Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] the [adj -est] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Three hundred years later he is remembered as an honourable man , an epithet to be prized above the highest awards attainable .
2 The independent Phoenix Cinema in Oxford is set to play to packed houses over the next few weeks with a film that 's bound to be listed among the greatest successes of British Cinema in recent years .
3 These were military followers apparently of considerable social status and influence , though probably to be distinguished from the greatest magnates of the realm , many of whom had military followings of their own , and might be expected to fight for the king both inside and outside his kingdom .
4 The chemicals giant announced its new company policy at a European petrochemicals conference in London , where it also pledged that all future plant will be built to the highest standards operating in any country in the world .
5 But the Government likes to submit to free market forces and developers attempt to respond , rather than taking into account where new homes should be built in the best interests of the public .
6 ( 5 ) All documents to shareholders from the offeror and the board of the target company must be prepared with the highest standards of care and accuracy , as is the case with a prospectus .
7 They must be prepared with the highest standards of care and accuracy .
8 On Dec. 26 , in an address to the nation , Ukrainian Premier Leonid Kuchma announced that direct payments would be made to the poorest members of society to protect them against the worst effects of the price rises .
9 The Kilbrandon Committee recommended that individual decisions should be made regarding the best measures for dealing with each child , and that these should be made separately from decisions about guilt or innocence .
10 This may be done with the best intentions and will help empty the overflowing kennels , but mistakes can cause new owners some shocks .
11 This may be done with the best intentions , but it can lead to frustration and arguments .
12 The conclusions drawn are that perforations should be shot with the biggest charges possible , large negative pressure differentials , and that there needs to be a high shot density ; also that the mud weight over-balance — that is , the degree of pressure maintained above the reservoir 's natural pressure — during drilling should be as low as possible ; and that losses of fluids and solids to the productive reservoirs should never be accepted as a matter of course .
13 The influence of the Alpine atmosphere can clearly be felt in the best wines . ’
14 Tourism attraction operators in Cheshire will be told of the latest developments in home and overseas marketing at a forum this month .
15 In my view , the Brazilians should be told in the strongest terms that any repeat when they entertain Italy ( whose supporters , I admit , are no angels themselves ) in the quarter finals at the end of march , could lead to them being disqualified .
16 The seeds of this later development may be sown during the earliest months of life .
17 Once sample preparation has been completed the simplest analyses may be performed on the largest particles .
18 Manufacturing requires the necessary industrial investment to transform the ideas into the articles that can be sold in the keenest markets .
19 Days when you are out all day can then be used for the simplest pieces .
20 Whatever else happened , in what could be a very technically limiting production , Doctor Who would be founded by the best writers he could afford .
21 Who ‘ A ’ is , remains a mystery , but she is a creature of clearly inspirational beauty who has been captured with a fluidity of drawing and subtlety of palette that would be envied by the greatest masters of the French Impressionist School .
22 It is often the case that the highest ambitions can be born in the darkest days of defeat .
23 By the laws of hospitality , they should be bound by the strictest rules of honour , custom , decency , each one to help and preserve and defend all the others .
24 Somebody with a £100,000 portfolio who deals £5,000-£10,000 worth of stock at a time will be protected from the worst stocks , doubly so if he is lucky enough to be in the hands of a dealer with a longer-term commitment to his profession than average .
25 ‘ If the sound trade continuously bombards its clientele with music , why can not book browsing be accompanied by the finest voices of the British stage measuring their tonsils against the masterpieces of English verse ? ’
26 In future , aid budgets therefore need to be concentrated on the boldest triers among the poorest countries — countries ( as in Africa and south Asia ) that lack basic infrastructure and where poverty is most acute .
27 Although the government has always maintained that HATs will be restricted to the worst estates , it is by no means clear what criteria have been applied in the selection of these nine .
28 This again differs widely depending on the degree of the handicap , and autistics may be found at the farthest extremes of social and academic capability .
29 For the most extreme form of quoted speech without source markers can be found on the earliest pages of certain infant reading schemes which are based on severely restricted vocabulary and a word recognition model .
30 ‘ Barrack-room lawyers ’ are to be found among the youngest members of the population .
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