Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] the [adj -est] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 ( 5 ) All documents to shareholders from the offeror and the board of the target company must be prepared with the highest standards of care and accuracy , as is the case with a prospectus .
32 They must be prepared with the highest standards of care and accuracy .
33 Richard was immediately content , as he only was when something could be ascertained to the nearest degree of accuracy .
34 On Dec. 26 , in an address to the nation , Ukrainian Premier Leonid Kuchma announced that direct payments would be made to the poorest members of society to protect them against the worst effects of the price rises .
35 Sarah Hare , the youngest daughter of Sir Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Hare of Stow Bardolph , Norfolk , was very specific regarding the simplicity of her grave-clothes and coffin , making her wishes abundantly clear in her will of 1743 : ‘ … my coffin to be made of the best Elm lin 'd with a thinn lead with a flap of lead sawder 'd down over me , not to have a nail or any ornament that is not absolutely necessary , except a plate with my coat of arms and with this inscription : They that humble themselves shall be Exalted . ’
36 My choice had to be made with the greatest care and the most alert diagnostic skill .
37 It outlines data on trade in all these substances ; hazard possibilities and accident records ; and quantifies the relative risks , enabling decisions to be made about the safest mode of carriage .
38 Again , applications may be made by the nearest relative or an approved social worker and two medical recommendations are required .
39 The Kilbrandon Committee recommended that individual decisions should be made regarding the best measures for dealing with each child , and that these should be made separately from decisions about guilt or innocence .
40 The chartered company continued to be regarded as the best type of organization for carrying on overseas trade , but a grant to an individual proprietor began to be seen as the best way to set up a new colony to which settlers would come to cultivate the land .
41 We have to remember in terms of timing that we started with the Gulf War and then moved into perhaps what will be seen as the worst recession since the '30s .
42 Animals were demoniacs and possessed souls , albeit not to be seen in the best company , but were unequivocally free agents ( Evans 1987 : 66–7 ) . )
43 This may be done with the best intentions and will help empty the overflowing kennels , but mistakes can cause new owners some shocks .
44 This may be done with the best intentions , but it can lead to frustration and arguments .
45 I asked for that to be done at the earliest opportunity , the following morning at 9 o'clock .
46 The conclusions drawn are that perforations should be shot with the biggest charges possible , large negative pressure differentials , and that there needs to be a high shot density ; also that the mud weight over-balance — that is , the degree of pressure maintained above the reservoir 's natural pressure — during drilling should be as low as possible ; and that losses of fluids and solids to the productive reservoirs should never be accepted as a matter of course .
47 The other 27 per cent would have to be connected to the nearest telephone line or ( in the future ) to a cable-television system .
48 A solar heating system consists of three main components : the solar panel , a feed-and-expansion cistern ( which must be positioned at the highest point of the system ) and the solar cylinder .
49 Oil will be taxed at the highest rate , adding about US$3.50 to the cost of a barrel of oil , with the aim of discouraging dependence on imported oil .
50 He listened to the few men who had survived for more than a few weeks and talked of ‘ Blighty ’ and prayed only for a ‘ cushy wound ’ so they could be moved to the nearest hospital tent and , if they were among the lucky ones , eventually be sent home to England .
51 This is the Central Television Percy Thrower Trophy , very handsome trophy it is too and it 's going to be presented to the best gardener around here ; that 's after the break .
52 The influence of the Alpine atmosphere can clearly be felt in the best wines . ’
53 Tourism attraction operators in Cheshire will be told of the latest developments in home and overseas marketing at a forum this month .
54 In my view , the Brazilians should be told in the strongest terms that any repeat when they entertain Italy ( whose supporters , I admit , are no angels themselves ) in the quarter finals at the end of march , could lead to them being disqualified .
55 The following type of story might be told by the best man , a friend , or groom who works in the bride 's family business :
56 It has been argued that the sexual division of labour between husband and wife may be interpreted as the best way of maximising the welfare of the working class family , and certainly the struggle for a family wage benefited working class families to the extent that it raised the wages of the male breadwinner .
57 The notion of education was to be interpreted in the widest sense of the word to include physical , moral , and mental training .
58 In a quiet harmonic passage , however , in which the bass does not lie extremely low , the double basses may be entrusted with the lowest part .
59 Otherwise , one 's eye will be drawn to the darkest flower or leaf in the picture , which will act as a distraction from the overall shape and impact of the picture .
60 Based on the experience to date some clear conclusions can be drawn from the best practice approach :
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