Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Also , the slow course of the disease implied that any drug would have to be given for a long time in order to be effective and so would have to be particularly harmless to patients .
2 The garment has to be completed within a certain time , then the outworker is paid the requisite sum .
3 time constraint : the project must be completed within a certain time limit .
4 10.1 If either you or we are delayed or prevented from performing our obligations under this order , by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of either of us , ( including without limitation any form of government intervention , strikes and lock-outs relevant to this order , breakdown of plant or delays by sub-contractors concerned ) such performance shall be suspended , and if it can not be completed within a reasonable time after the due date as specified in this order , this order may be cancelled by either party .
5 If the load is to move a fixed distance then the high gear ratio requires the motor to move a large number of steps and for the load movement to be completed in a reasonable time the motor needs to attain a high stepping rate .
6 If the weather holds out work could be completed in a short time .
7 Nowadays his case had to be heard within a given time .
8 A bank can not predict which of its customers wish to withdraw or deposit money on any given day ; a travel firm can not control which of its package tours will be booked at a particular time .
9 When she went to look round she was both daunted and enchanted by its dark , gloomy interior which was mostly painted green and seemed to be trapped in a 19th-century time warp .
10 Would this be just another experience for him — a satisfying of his sexual needs , to be forgotten within a short time ?
11 Historians will be occupied for a long time to come in determining the exact balance and interaction of forces — including , to mention only the more obvious , the economic disaster of the Second World War , the rise of America , and the development of nationalism — which contributed to Britain 's imperial demise .
12 Luke , she knew , would be occupied for a long time yet , drinking coffee with the other women , talking over the day , helping to cement working relationships for the future .
13 Basilican churches continued to be built for a long time but many variations of form developed , with one dominant theme : a dome , or domes over an open space below .
14 Such policies can not work , because cuts have to be made at a difficult time and even more jobs are lost .
15 Similar anxieties exist about the morbidity and mortality of patients who can not be seen within a satisfactory time .
16 Can it be done at a different time ?
17 In this situation , it is very difficult to maintain high standards , as such work usually has to be done within a short time limit , and often with very little space .
18 A call can be booked in advance with the operator to be connected at a specified time .
19 Similar rules apply to contracts for the supply of services ( Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 ( SGSA 1982 ) , s15 ( implied term that the customer will pay a reasonable charge ) and s14 ( implied term that the service will be performed within a reasonable time ) ) .
20 A tranquillizer may help to reduce anxiety so that the person is better able to start tackling his problems , but the drug should only be used for a short time ( up to 2 weeks ) , and should be withdrawn once improvement in coping ability has begun to develop .
21 Since , the " Commando " had a clear warning that the contents should not be used after a certain time , this was deemed to put the plaintiff on notice not to use the herbicide and he could not complain that his own misunderstanding of the consequences of ignoring the warning had rendered the herbicide unfit for the purpose which it was supplied .
22 There was no damage to the contents of the imperial treasury , but behind the scenes , the water has destroyed the complex new security and the air conditioning systems , so it will be closed for a considerable time ’ .
23 Most statutory rights have to be enforced within a strict time limit .
24 Sean Murray of Philip Morris said that their considerable arts programme will not be affected for a long time , and that the legislation is designed to prohibit brand promotion , not corporate publicity .
25 Their hard work , efficiency and friendliness helped to produce a day which will be remembered for a long time by all those who took part .
26 Urging national governments to develop further the structure of the planned political union , as an essential concomitant to successful economic and monetary union , the Bundesbank said that the fulfilment of entry criteria and conditions of economic convergence between EC countries should not be linked to a specific time frame ( as provided for in the treaty ) .
27 Sergeants and Inspectors know almost exactly where an officer can be found at a certain time , and woe betide the constable who keeps his superior officer waiting .
28 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
29 Did you say to her , I 'm going out to re I 'm going out and I may be gone for a long time .
30 It seems to be gone for a long time .
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