Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adj] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 If the current I1 may be considered constant during the time unc then we are entitled to talk about slow variation .
2 If the draftsman wishes to create a lease for a period that can not be made certain at the time of the demise the only way is to express it as being granted for a fixed term subject to a power to break at the expiry of the period .
3 Further information will be made available nearer the time .
4 Even in the situations where it is appropriate , Creole will only be used some of the time — in fact , a very small proportion of the time , if my informants and their families are typical .
5 At the time the debt is issued , it is uncertain whether the debt will be converted prior to the time at which the redemption option may be exercised , and hence whether the premium on redemption will be paid .
6 At the time the debt is issued , it is uncertain whether the debt will be converted prior to the time at which the enhanced interest will be payable .
7 If you have parts of the allotment which can be left uncultivated for a time , try smothering the weed with black plastic sheeting .
8 At the other extreme is the stance taken on the MoD 's continuing tenure , which insists that it is not proper that the public continue to be excluded some of the time from all , and all of the time from some , of the finest coastal scenery in the British Isles .
9 During infancy children tend to be kept most of the time in the small , dark interior of their hut , where they are rarely allowed to crawl on the floor , rarely spoken to or played with ( though always kept near the mother ) , and where few objects for play are available .
10 If a relative wants to collect the ashes they can be collected or sent , but they will only be kept free for a time ( usually about a month ) — a charge will be made after that time .
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