Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the younger voters will probably still be sticking loyally to the Ninja Mutant Turtles .
2 The type of frame you choose for your finished work is an entirely personal decision , based on your own likes and dislikes , but I would strongly suggest that you think about the type of frame you will be using right from the start of your work .
3 Any more raids and you 'll be stepping well over the line .
4 But we should be producing more from the land in terms of countryside and natural resources , looking after the soil , the water .
5 It 's certain to be hanging hopefully around the nation 's news-stands in big piles until about Saturday , so do n't put yourself out ordering it or anything .
6 He is understood to be pressing ahead with the rest of the agenda set by his predecessor , Mr Douglas Hurd , including a white paper proposing less use of imprisonment for non-violent offenders .
7 Furthermore , it is likely that some investment will be occurring somewhere in the economy so that aggregate investment is never likely actually to disappear completely .
8 The partner must be contributing financially to the household .
9 And he 'd be walking all over the place seen anywhere , Tommy on the wall and they 'd shout Tommy on the wall
10 ‘ I have no doubt we 'll be meeting again in the course of the next week or two .
11 Group manager Terry Burgess tells us that the group are ecstatic over their ‘ break ’ into the national press , and will be surging ahead with the preparations for their forthcoming vinyl release .
12 I shall be looking here at the effect of adjusting their published accounts between 1972 and 1991 to allow for inflation .
13 As the budget looms , the chancellor seems to be looking again at the feasibility of raising money for the government , by ending the tax relief on mortgages of up to thirty thousand pounds .
14 hello there … yes we 've come to Prestbury Park as Cheltenham readies itself for Gold Cup Week … we 'll be looking ahead to the festival in a few moments and also giving you the chance to win two tickets for the big day … first the weekend action and the big race in football … the chase for promotion
15 After the bypass completion the parish would be looking forward to the de-trunking of the A3 which would become a B road .
16 ‘ But you seemed to be looking forward to the break , so I decided not to disappoint you . ’
17 As I said earlier , during our presidency we shall be looking particularly at the prospects for enlargement of the Community .
18 People must be hunting all over the country for him .
19 In many cases the husband and wife will be living apart at the time of the court order , or at a time when agreement is reached between them concerning the former matrimonial home , in circumstances that are likely to prove permanent .
20 For if he did not , he must be living dishonestly on the means of somebody else .
21 The death toll was initially reported at around 250 , but later officially estimated at around 70 people , many of them poor Surinamese immigrants believed to be living illegally in the Netherlands ; a senior Netherlands police official was quoted on Oct. 13 as saying , however , that " we will never know exactly how many people were killed , and we will never know exactly who they were " .
22 It had been anticipated they would be operating mainly among the trees surrounding the estate , so the object was to go for maximum noise and shock effect while inflicting the least injuries possible .
23 Iago seems to be acting wholly for the others ' good , since , as he challenges us to deny , ‘ this advice I give is free and honest .
24 Now I think in our experience so far we find that erm the accounts clerks in the back office are those who are most likely to be bashing away at the character terminals , those are the people who are bashing data into the system .
25 It was also observed that he was fairly cool with the little Hoflin girl , who seemed to be mooning miserably about the theatre with a pale face , even when she was n't needed .
26 And its not just schools who 'll be listening closely to the Chancellor 's speech next Tuesday , the booksellers and publishers are waiting nervously for his announcement .
27 I believe they are importing Carl Krantz at vast expense , so the clones from the Martinez agency will be swarming all over the place . ’
28 She did n't want anyone giving her sympathy , otherwise she 'd be blubbing all over the stage .
29 Francis did n't like to study them too closely : they were even more disturbing than the strange plants that seemed to be growing everywhere on the planet .
30 They do n't take flight immediately as they could be heading straight into the lion 's mouth , so to speak .
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