Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What Gandhi may be suggesting by the statement that the road one takes is unimportant provided the goal is achieved is that too much importance can be attached to particular religions , especially when it might result in exclusivist claims being made on behalf of those religions .
2 In this respect , there were many at the meeting ( including me ) who felt the least we should be demanding of the industry and the regulators ( the DTI ) was that only the very highest environmental standards currently practised internationally ( the Norwegian oil field was given as a good example ) would be acceptable for operations in Cardigan Bay .
3 In this respect , there were many ( including me ) who felt the least we should be demanding of the industry and the regulators ( the DTI ) was that only the very highest environmental standards currently practised internationally ( the Norwegian oil field was given as a good example ) would be acceptable for operations in Cardigan Bay .
4 Furthermore , any act which falls within the express or implied powers of the vendor contained in its memorandum of association , whether or not a breach of duty on the part of the vendor 's directors , will be binding on the vendor if it is approved or subsequently ratified by the shareholders .
5 6.1 The Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party
6 CLACTON knew they would be struggling at the weigh-in when they entertained Felixstowe in the first round of the Turner Cup and Inter Club Trophy .
7 The mixture of cheap jokes and pretentious philosophising becomes increasingly hard to stomach , however , and there are far too many moments when it is not clear whether you are supposed to be laughing at the characters or taking them seriously .
8 It was a real exciting year ; all the stuff was brand new and you could be driving to the gig and hear your record on the radio .
9 We 'll be driving in the light and we do n't have to go fast . ’
10 ‘ I do not suppose , however , that you will be applying for the position so I shall wait for Alain to send a few people here for me to see .
11 It it 's obviously wrong that where they have had access , lawful or otherwise , that the that they should n't be interfering with the rights and the ability of the walkers to walk along that route .
12 It would also leave Lewis as possibly a minor player in the world heavyweight scene which could be returning to the chaos that surrounded it before Mike Tyson brutally united sports richest prize .
13 I could get myself into trouble with a colleague of yours in another town but er I am hopeful , so as I say , er on the seventeenth of January then we could be returning to the situation and I understand in nineteen seventy four when there was a sergeant and six constables here in until the demise of the Urban District Council when they were all moved to .
14 So I hope hopefully this evening will be a very constructive meeting and we 'll certainly welcome your views about what you feel should be happening to the theatre or should be taken or should be taken place at the theatre , what should be on at the theatre , and er things that you feel that are n't happening at the moment .
15 In any other sphere of life , when the demand for your product collapses for reasons entirely beyond your control , you do n't try to drum up new custom , you wind the business down and go into something more profitable ’ ‘ But there is a disturbing feeling about that something irreversible may be happening in the world and it is not to Britain 's advantage .
16 But just as important , you will be contributing to the conservation and protection of England 's historic environment .
17 But just as important , you will be contributing to the conservation and protection of England 's historic environment .
18 But just as important , you will be contributing to the conservation and protection of England 's historic environment .
19 In all the antics to which our honourable member would resort to secure the publicity and the popularity needed under the STV to get himself re-elected he would be contributing to the personalization and the trivialization of politics of which the eighties saw the deplorable example set in high places .
20 But I so need to be walking up the stairs and pushing open the studio door , and seeing him at his bench , looking over his shoulder at me , as if he 's not in the least interested to see who it is .
21 Cooper and McMahon , who had imagined they would be walking from the court as free men , were shattered .
22 The group 's press officer , Mick Houghton , thought it was Gregory 's departure that he would soon be explaining to the press when suddenly he was told Charman was out .
23 He said : ‘ The whole country will be looking for the result and most of them will be hoping the underdogs do well .
24 We will be looking for the team that shows most strength in depth , across a range of ages , and both sexes .
25 At a time when many middle-class voters would be looking for the party that would best defend them from Labour , this Conservative strength would be of vital importance .
26 Try to be looking at the child when you make your request .
27 In next month 's Buyer 's Guide I 'll be looking at the pros and cons of third party maintenance contracts and insurance for your PC .
28 Andrew Holden , joint secretary of the Northern Examining Association , said : ‘ We will be looking at the position and seeing whether we think it is worthwhile to offer a similar scheme or whether we would prefer to cut the general level of fees so that we are competing on even terms . ’
29 Is n't it obvious within a second that you must be looking at the husband and wife ?
30 And he wants to , at the very least I think it 's reasonable to say , he wants to influence the Communist Party that , that this is the way you should be looking at the world and it , it is different to the way you were looking at it .
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