Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Hot spots appear to be rather irregularly distributed over the Earth 's surface ( Fig. 4.4 ) but the real pattern is difficult to establish because of the problems of identifying specific hot spots and incomplete data in some regions .
2 The woman was found to be dead once taken into the ambulance .
3 Although both parents will be affected by the departure of children , the impact is likely to be most keenly felt by the woman .
4 The present and future impact of unemployment on the well-being of old people has yet to be assessed and indeed may be most strongly felt in the next decade or two .
5 This is the province of what can be most conveniently described as the " phenomenological epistemology " .
6 The problem is less obvious but deep-rooted , and can perhaps be most clearly formulated in the following question : Given the turbulent and unstable historical context of post-1914 France , is it possible to produce novels which are technically and artistically successful , politically effective , and accurately reflect contemporary social reality ?
7 Consultations with ministers , the provision of information to administrators , direct communication with diplomats and naval officers , all fell within the ambit of less public means of attempted influence and can be most clearly illustrated from the record of the African Institution which has been somewhat overlooked by earlier writers .
8 The ideal of a complete integration of the cultural mission of the universities with English was to be most clearly articulated in the pages of the Newbolt Report of 1921 , The Teaching of English in England , which is examined in detail in chapter 2 ( pp. 41–67 ) .
9 The breeds likely to be most closely related to the White Park are probably the Kerry of Ireland and the old Scottish breeds , the Highland and Galloway .
10 This was the activity with which they came to be most closely identified in the first fifty years of their existence .
11 Just as , beyond a certain point , the terms of capitalist political economy ( ‘ development ’ , ‘ progress ’ , ‘ production ’ ) can be rearticulated to the needs of a radically different society only through their transformation in the light perhaps of older ecologies , so , arguably , the assumptions of the bourgeois music tradition can , beyond an equivalent point , be most easily articulated to the interests of a future , more liberated order if critically combined with techniques drawn from older , popular traditions ( see Jameson 's comments in Block et al .
12 Weber 's name tends to be most commonly associated with the ‘ ideal type ’ bureaucracy which is neutral , hierarchically organized , efficient and inevitable in contemporary society .
13 The difficulty of the term is then obvious , but can be most usefully seen as the result of earlier kinds of convergence of interests .
14 But the major problem is that the sites which we have at the present moment are not controlled , and if we could get proper sites , properly managed , I think you would find that the whole erm picture of a gipsy site in an area would be much better received by the public than it is at the present .
15 Naw I think a man of quality and breeding may be much better diverted with the natural sprauts of his own .
16 The probabilistic approach proved to be much better suited to the task .
17 But if you are watching television you are likely to be much more affected by the knee-jerk emotion of the speech than by its political content .
18 I also believe that the common agricultural policy must be much more centred on the environment .
19 On a more positive note , I remind the House that my right hon. Friend said that he sought the redirection of money and that available funds should be much more centred on the environment .
20 It causes woman-centred psychology to be much more restricted to the concept of a purely psychological subject than egalitarian feminist and even some traditional psychologies are .
21 Remember honestly , remember fully and the present moment will be so vividly contrasted with the ‘ once and might have been ’ that a hard heart will be melted and sealed lips broken open by praise .
22 For one corporeal hereditament to fall within the curtilage of another the former must be so intimately associated with the latter as to lead to the conclusion that the former in truth forms part and parcel of the latter ( Methuen-Campbell v Walters ) .
23 The majority of domains , however , do not share these characteristics and may not be so well represented within the LOB corpus .
24 ‘ He is fine at present , ’ said Balding , who is running the gelding as an eight-year-old , being of the opinion that he will never be so well treated in the National by the handicapper again .
25 What must never be forgotten is that the meaning of the word ‘ god ’ shall be such that its definition can be accepted by all the leading and reasonable people of all races , taught to all children , and be so firmly entrenched within the powers of reason and logic that it becomes inviolable .
26 A member of a board , although not affected by one of the statutory disqualifications above mentioned , may be so closely associated with the subject-matter of the proceedings as to make it improper that he should act and vote as a member of the board in connection with them .
27 A method similar to that described above is still probably the most suitable for producing concave trunk mouldings for long-case clocks mentioned in Mr Robey 's second question although they may not be so easily manipulated over the saw bench , particularly if they are stop-ended as the ends may present problems .
28 I feel sure many of your readers will have been annoyed by the way your reporter allowed our accurate and detailed evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee on the way some planning committees have violated planning policies over recent years , to be so easily dismissed by the chairman of one of the guilty district councils .
29 In the emergence of this ‘ young generation ’ of independent means lies the early identification of the sector of the population which was to be so effectively targeted by the market in the postwar era .
30 Modern readers of Middlemarch sometimes find it perplexing that significant social action , even for a woman in a provincial town in 1829 , should be precluded , and that the single exception — the building of cottages — should be so inadequately dramatized within the novel .
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