Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It so happened that the Gulf War in Kuwait was filling our attention , and so I switched on a video tape whenever something attracted me and I found that I would be most likely to record the daily sessions on the BBC 's Newsnight with Peter Snow discussing the disposition of troops over the battle zone using a visual aid which is now known as the sandpit .
2 Besides , it seemed to be terribly important to get the better of one arrogant Frenchman .
3 Again , it will be much easier to achieve the desired response with a young puppy .
4 It would be somewhat difficult to pick the best of the Villa San Paolo 's many attractions , but , if we were pushed to it , we would go for the stupendous view from the swimming pool .
5 I must confess to be somewhat surprised to see the Labour Group wanting to debate thisu this issue again after their lack lustre performance in Committee and Council on the previous debates on this subject and today 's been no different .
6 ‘ Pawing ! ’ she exclaimed , and illogically started to feel angry that this swine of a man she had given her heart to should still be so ready to think the worst of her .
7 The demand that theories should be highly falsifiable has the attractive consequence that theories should be clearly stated and precise .
8 ‘ I need to be mechanically perfect to beat the best . ’
9 It would be less wise to attribute the continuing importance of the home market in the latter part of the eighteenth century and in the early nineteenth to a general improvement in real wages .
10 Even a persistent pollution will be less enduring given the right weather .
11 In such an exercise we should be especially alert to identify the unreached , contact new arrivals and respond to unmet needs .
12 " [ T ] he language of an exemption clause is prima facie to be construed against the person who drafted it or put it forward … [ and ] the language of an exemption clause must be sufficiently explicit to disclose the common intention of the parties without straining the language " ( Cumming-Bruce LJ in Acme Transport Co Ltd v Betts [ 1991 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 131 ) .
13 But to say " all barristers in chambers at 4 Dr Johnson 's Buildings are thieves " would be sufficiently specific to allow the dozen or so barristers in those chambers to take action .
14 Since the mantle part of the descending lithosphere is cold relative to the asthenosphere it may be sufficiently dense to pull the lower part of the crust down if the upper part is detached .
15 The policy behind section 6 of the Sexual Offences Act is presumably that Parliament considered that a girl under 16 is generally unlikely to be sufficiently mature to realise the full implications of sexual intercourse ; so that her protection demands that a belief by a man under the age of 24 that she herself was over the age of 16 should not be only an honest but also a reasonable belief . ’
16 A television turned off by remote control continues to use a quarter of normal power because it needs to be electrically awake to receive the next remote signal to switch back on .
17 On the other hand , it may be more efficient to make the same investment to acquire additional taxable profits to absorb the ACT .
18 Secondly , in designs where a 3D effect is required , it may in general be more effective to select the higher-toned timbers for background elements ( eg distant hills ) and keep dark-toned veneers for foreground work .
19 It would be more profitable to relate the temporary decline in the use of cavalry to other factors .
20 But surely it would be more appropriate to see the two perspectives as complementary .
21 Some might argue that it would be more appropriate to treat the recent ‘ Troubles ’ in Northern Ireland ( from 1968 to the present ) as an example of guerrilla or civil warfare .
22 This description fits the observable characteristics and progress of the disease , although it might be more appropriate to substitute the social term " " sensitivity " " for the strictly clinical term " allergy " .
23 From 1 January 1993 , member states will only inspect imports and exports at their frontiers on a spot-check basis , so it will be more difficult to stop the illegal export of works of art .
24 Vegetation is composed of the few plants that survive and grow : to explain that vegetation it may be more important to study the many that die .
25 In good market conditions , however , auction or tender will be more likely to provide the best price for the client , but because the land has been widely advertised the purchaser will be under no moral or other obligation to re-instruct the agent .
26 It would be statistically misleading to headline the 500 per cent rise in the murder rate in Central Region , but the chief constable there can hardly be pleased to find the number of such incidents his force has dealt with rise from one to six .
27 In view of the comment made under clause 3.16 it may be as well to interpolate the following words after the reference to the 1987 Order : ( to which the provisions of clause 3.16 shall not apply )
28 In fact , it may be as well to include the following proviso : provided the Premises are not adversely affected thereby
29 In view of the significance of the Elan Valley in later developments , it would perhaps be as well to sketch the local topography briefly at this point .
30 These poems are probably set in Somerset , but as most of Wordsworth 's social observation is directed towards the inhabitants of the Lake District , it would be as well to consider the economic history of that area in some detail before proceeding with Wordsworth 's reactions to the poverty and despair around him .
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