Example sentences of "be [prep] [noun sg] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 The property , it is thought , must already be in existence at the time when it was obtained .
2 The manager , though not the supervisor , should normally be in attendance throughout the time when the office is open to the public or to telephone calls from the public .
3 What the mother finally decides to do will probably result from the opinion of someone else — whether that someone is her own mother , the local midwife or whichever childcare expert happens to be in vogue at the time .
4 Having to get up very early in the mornings he tended to be in bed by the time she arrived home on the last bus from Bath .
5 One of the richest made for Julius II later escaped the sack of Rome because it happened to be in pawn at the time .
6 ‘ We 'll be in town by the time he comes up here , ’ Nutty said .
7 students registered in an electronics , electrical/electronic or other kind of engineering department were slightly less likely to be in employment at the time of the survey than those in other kinds of department ;
8 The reply comes zooming down the phone : ‘ Of course , dear , we 'll understand — do n't think another thought about it — we 're just looking forward to seeing you , and we 'll be in touch nearer the time , dear … ’
9 Deferred tax is to be provided , using the liability method , on all timing differences which are expected to reverse in the future at rates of tax likely to be in force at the time of the reversal .
10 The making of a care order will automatically discharge any supervision order , school attendance order or s8 order which may be in force at the time ( s91(2) ( 3 ) ( 5 ) ) .
11 We first met him at an elegant hotel in the ‘ uptown ’ district of Manhattan , New York , overlooking Central park , a watering place well known to artists ( Joe Cocker also happened to be in residence at the time ) .
12 The West Germans want the revision of the Rome Treaty and national parliamentary endorsement of an EC central bank and other institutions to be in place by the time of the next European Parliament elections — in June 1994 .
13 It will be valuable if our definitive document could be in place by the time FRS 3 comes into force on 22 June 1993 .
14 That change might be in place by the time Pakistan visit West Indies this winter .
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