Example sentences of "be [adj] [coord] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Training might be goal-directed , but education must be pure and undertaken for the sake of the ‘ growth ’ of the child .
2 So , when I found I wanted to write a book that would reflect a little on whether we should strive to be perfect or settle for the second-best but practical , I realised I would have to have a murder that was in some way imperfect .
3 And then there 's a , a series of er oh and they add er er during the people 's governments or at or above the may in accordance with the local land agency set apart certain land bound to be nationalized and used for the establishment of experimental farms or one or more county 's or model state farms , so there 's provision for the creation of so a form of socialism over the countryside but it 's , it comes a long way down the list .
4 I had to be patient and wait for the tide to turn , ’ he said .
5 All stretches should be gradual and held for a period of 30 seconds before release .
6 " Item whereas there is Sixscore pounds due unto mee by Roger Harper and Johnn Barrett Payable at Certen Dayes and tymes agreed uponn betweene us , My mynde and will ys That the Somme of Fortye pounds being a Thirdd parte of the sayd Sixscore pounds shall be and remayne to the augmentacion and increase of the wages of the Schoolemaster of Stockport for the tyme beinge , for ever , to be hadd and receaved at suche dayes and tymes as the same shall bee due , And further I do will and bequeath the sume of Tenn pounds for and towards the augmenting of the Schoolmasters wages afforesayd to make upp the sayd sume of Fortye pounds the Full sume of Fyftie pounds All the sayd Sume to be Imployed and used for the benefit of the Schoolemaster afforesayde by the Parsonn of Stockporte the Maior of Stockport and the most Auncyent Alderman thereof for the time being .
7 In the public sector , sources of money will often be precise and known for the forthcoming year .
8 She put on a great act , pretending to be heartbroken and begging for a chance to restart our relationship , but shortly after she 'd gained access to the apartment there was a phone call .
9 This kind of committee can either be permanent or appointed for a special purpose .
10 Yet this environment would be suppressive and unfulfilling for a real ‘ Walter ’ .
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