Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would be absurd to claim that this day is already near .
2 It would be possible to acknowledge that this type of emotional layer exists in human beings , and that it finds expression in the brutality men are capable of inflicting on one another .
3 Indeed , it may even be possible to argue that certain types of reservation of title clause are caught by s3 , in so far as they purport to allow the seller to retain title until certain conditions are fulfilled , and therefore permit it to render a performance substantially different from that reasonably expected of it , or no performance at all .
4 By the use of control accounts in both the financial and cost accounts it will be possible to ensure that both sets of accounts are balanced and integrated .
5 For example , it may be possible to determine that one group of contexts represents a building , which was covered by a group of contexts representing a paved area , which in turn was covered by a group of contexts representing another building , etc .
6 It would be pleasant to think that this decision was made purely on conservation and environmental grounds , but on all the evidence of the past this seems unlikely .
7 Although monitored allocations of the kind suggested above are the only way to ensure that library policy is translated into practice , it would be unrealistic to believe that all authorities manage their budgets in this way .
8 It would be unrealistic to assume that any assessment process based solely on one assessor 's judgement of another 's competence would always be regarded as completely valid and reliable .
9 At best , the vendor may be willing to warrant that such forecasts and opinions are reasonable .
10 On the other hand , however , although 20th Century publications , taken as a whole , showed a lower-than-average proportion of items in need of repair ( 3% ) , it would be wrong to conclude that such material is in no danger .
11 These studies were not " wrong " , but it would be wrong to conclude that this pattern of interest-group politics holds for all issues .
12 It would be wrong to conclude that either material is inferior and far wiser to use such information to your advantage when choosing drawing materials .
13 Nevertheless , it would be wrong to suppose that all mergers were approved .
14 Likewise it would be wrong to assume that economic difficulties worked to push the gentry increasingly into the Tory camp .
15 However , it may be wrong to assume that this inability to create a coordinated response is a bad thing : a truly-integrated response to the cities from the Conservative governments elected in 1979 and after might have been even more detrimental to the major conurbations than it has been .
16 It would be wrong to suggest that any segment of an eighteenth-century electorate was truly independent , and a number of ties joined the freeholders to the party , or interest , of a local politician .
17 The House may be interested to learn that hon. Members who represent south Wales constituencies hold fairly regular meetings with the south Wales constabulary .
18 Anyone fancying a repeat of Hazy Days on the Far East Buttress might be interested to know that current opinion gives it a serious E5 6b grading .
19 The Royal is to be congratulated on introducing Direct Access Endoscopy , ( DAE ) , however your readers may be interested to know that Northern Board patients have enjoyed the benefit of DAE for some time .
20 It would be foolish to believe that any group of people can interact without a political undercurrent .
21 Similarly , it may be intriguing to learn that on-line columns of silica-immobilised algal cells can eliminate problems such as overlapping peaks in anodic stripping voltammetry of trace metals .
22 It would be easy to say that this volume is just another book ’ on organic synthesis — one which will sit alongside the excellent texts of S. Warren , and the more recent book by E. J. Corey and X. M. Cheng , The logic of chemical synthesis .
23 It would be easy to believe that both churches were imposed on the French as a punishment .
24 Finally , subscribers will be relieved to know that this work is done at minimal cost to the Bar — all the work is done pro bono by individual members of the Bar in their own time .
25 Cityslickers and Bonanza aficionados will be delighted to learn that Western-style riding is alive and bucking in the UK .
26 But the overwhelming size of the response to an initiative like ‘ Childline ’ indicates that it would be dangerous to conclude that young people do not have problems even if first attempts to tap them fail .
27 It would be dangerous to suggest that this impossibility is in any strong sense theoretical , i.e. open to mathematical proof , and I will assume it is no more than a strong empirical impossibility .
28 It would be dangerous to assume that this balance of topics necessarily reflects the Authority 's PNP priorities very accurately .
29 It would be natural to assume that this attempt to create a rift between Offa and the papacy occurred before the visit of the legates in 786 and that the visit was part of a process of reconciliation , but this is not wholly justified for Hadrian 's letter could date to the late rather than the mid-780s , and reflect hostility to one or more of a number of Offa 's actions .
30 Of course , it would be naive to claim that all gifts are made with no thought of any benefit that might accrue to the individual or his or her family at some future time , or to deny that gifts are often a reflection of gratitude for past services rendered to a member of the family or the donor him or herself .
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