Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] [pron] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although an attempt was made to be representative in the choice of these films it is clear that if the effects observed are of any practical significance it should be possible to observe them on a more varied stimulus set .
2 Lifting her out of the water we were totally silent , and neither of us seemed to be willing to commit ourselves on a weight so we just put her in the sling and let the scales do the talking .
3 I was sure that I could smooth over our little misunderstanding , and that Sergia would then be glad to have me on the job — so to speak — instead of some heavy-footed FedPol type .
4 However , administration of the scheme is costly in terms of time and it seems unlikely that it would be feasible to operate it on a large scale .
5 We 'll be able to mark them on a chart ,
6 Schofield has already had cause to caution Montgomerie — in 1991 — and yesterday he said : ‘ He is a fine golfer and is clearly going to be a major figure in the game for as long as he remains active in it , but he has to be able to take it on the chin .
7 As rock characteristics can vary considerably over very short intervals , it is useful to be able to evaluate them on a continuous basis from log data .
8 Timing is also of the essence — flowers can be sent to you through the post as soon as the special event is over , but the best option is to be able to press them on the very day that they are used .
9 They heard fairways have been designed for beginners and medium skill players , and the public will be able to use it on a pay and play basis as well as hotel guests .
10 When we ger this fantasy football stuff going , would we be able to put it on a different server .
11 This would require companies to be able to merge across frontiers and be able to organize themselves on a Europe-wide basis without discrimination .
12 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
13 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
14 This was folded and stored in a paper envelope for nearly a hundred years , and the creases make it very unlikely we shall ever be able to play it on an original machine .
15 In addition the network installer will be able to advise you on the most efficient energy use for your home .
16 Your local authority will be able to advise you on the requirements for fresh-air ventilators .
17 ( 6 ) The procedure for obtaining Statutory Sick Pay will be dealt with by your employer who should also be able to advise you on the procedure for obtaining Sickness Benefit .
18 If a particular publication is not available at your own library the librarian will almost certainly be able to obtain it on a short-term loan .
19 And in fact we said that we would be able to start it on the , at the beginning of May , even though we knew we would n't , we thought we 'd say that
20 You 'd be able to hear me on the radio , smiling .
21 He could not guarantee he would be able to deliver it on the day and she billed it as a surprise film so she could show a reserve if it failed to arrive .
22 But I 'm pretty sure we 'll be able to knock it on the head . ’
23 ‘ Very soon I 'll be able to get one on the grounds of separation . ’
24 First , wind velocity is measured at a given observation point and refers solely to that point , for all that it may be convenient to show it on a chart as an arrow apparently extending for a long distance .
25 Yeah , yeah , cos our , our be inclined to leave something on the front door step and go .
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