Example sentences of "be [verb] to the [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 One solution is a clause which says that the question of categorising disputes in contracts where there are two different modes of dispute resolution is itself to be referred to the expert for final decision .
2 Planning permission can either be complete in itself , normally referred to as ‘ full ’ permission or can require further details to be referred to the authority for approval .
3 Particular attention will be given to the campaign for black sections in the Labour party and to non-parliamentary forms of political action .
4 Three , a lump sum could be given to the centre for training employment of certain Ottery teenagers .
5 The increase in the population of Chiswick caused thought to be given to the need for another Anglican Parish Church situated in the Turnham Green area , so Sir Gilbert Scott , R.A. was commissioned to design an appropriate church to be built on land granted by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul 's Cathedral , as Lord of the Manor of Little Sutton .
6 On the back was printed ‘ Proceeds from the sale of this card will be given to the Fund for Needy and Indigent Anthropologists ( FUNIA ) . ’
7 Around 3,500 of Britain 's industrial processes will have to be justified to the inspectorate for the pollution they put into the environment on land , into the air and into water .
8 Lastly , the hearth has to be tended , constantly supplied with fuel , and this can be likened to the need for the home to be paid ongoing care and attention , the absence of which will be felt as a cold and empty atmosphere .
9 It is sometimes suggested not only that postmodernism scarcely exists in Britain , but that it would not be a good thing if it did : like structuralism , it is seen as a form of literary rabies , to be confined to the Continent for as long as possible .
10 COOK 'S NOTE : A layer of soured cream may be added to the pie for extra flavour .
11 Flake the tuna fish ; dispose of any brine , but if the fish is packed in olive oil it may be added to the dressing for the beans .
12 Tudor composers or Elizabethan playwrights can be added to the time-line for the unit on life in Tudor and Stuart times .
13 She would n't be returning to the farm for a while , she told him .
14 All alphabetical indexing languages must be tailored to the application for which they are intended .
15 Nevertheless , its point about the evidence for God 's goodness — that it is not compelling and that , indeed , there may be moments when it appears that the facts of life may not be reconciled with a good Creator at all — might also be applied to the evidence for God 's existence .
16 If necessary , adjustments can be made to the grant for the current year .
17 NOTICE To : Smith & Jones ( Contracts ) Limited , whose registered office is situate at Coldharbour Road , Thames Marshes , Essex WHEREAS ( 1 ) You are justly and truly indebted in the sum of £1250 to Robinson Bros Ltd trading as Go Fast Transport whose registered office is situate at Cornmarket Chambers Ipswich Suffolk more particularly in respect of transport costs for the quick delivery of fragile machine equipment and related warehousing costs ( 2 ) By Section 517 ( 1 ) ( f ) of the Companies Act 1985 it is provided that a company may be wound up by the court if the company is unable to pay its debts ( exceeding £750 ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you pursuant to Section 518(1) ( a ) of the Companies Act 1985 that you are required to pay the said sum of £1250 to Go Fast Transport ( GFT ) not later than 3 weeks from tomorrow 's date AND that if you neglect to pay the said sum or to secure or compound for it to the reasonable satisfaction of GFT an application will be made to the court for your winding up by petition presented by GFT under the provisions of Section 519 of the Companies Act 1985 .
18 The appointment letter should also state that ( i ) in the event of the time and place not being convenient , the debtor is to name some other time and place reasonably convenient for the purpose , ( ii ) ( statutory demands ) if the debtor fails to keep the appointment the creditor proposes to serve the debtor by advertisement or post or insertion through a letter box or as the case may be , and that , in the event of a bankruptcy petition being presented , the court will be asked to treat such service as service of the demand on the debtor , ( iii ) ( petitions ) if the debtor fails to keep the appointment , application will be made to the court for an order for substituted service either by advertisement or in such other manner as the court may think fit ; ( c ) in attending any appointment made by letter , inquiry should be made whether the debtor has received all letters left for him .
19 Without that provision , either the appointing authority will have to be persuaded to act and the other party persuaded to drop its objections , or an application would have to be made to the court for a declaration as to whether the reference should proceed .
20 Unless any cash payment is passing which is required by the husband for the purchase of another property , a contract would appear to be unnecessary and is certainly not required if the transaction is to be carried out following a court order ( whether by consent or otherwise ) as application can always be made to the court for the terms of the order to be carried out ( see Chapter 8 ) .
21 Changes must be made to the attack for the first Test at Old Trafford next month but pacemen Andy Caddick , Paul Jarvis and Chris Lewis now have just one more chance to prove they should remain for the Ashes opener .
22 The data are too few to come to any definite conclusions , but what is available will be referred to briefly here , and reference should be made to the appendix for the background detail .
23 A grade A , B , C or D secures success in the practical section of the final examination and then application may be made to the Institute for Full Membership .
24 Thus our customers should be advised of the current level of facilities granted and that soon the maximum facilities to be granted to the company will be £135,000 and we will be looking to the guarantee for this sum which in turn is supported by the charge over the above property .
25 The League have been alerted to the current problems by disgruntled players at Underhill and spokesman Ian Cotton said : ‘ We are very concerned about Barnet 's financial situation and will be looking to the club for assurances that they will be able to meet their commitments . ’
26 However , where a defendant does not reside or carry on business within the district of the court and he desires the action to be transferred to the court for the district in which he resides or carries on business , he may , after delivering a defence , counterclaim , or request for time for payment , apply ex parte in writing for an order to transfer the action to that court .
27 Thus the volume and character of traffic in the street would be related to the need for environmental protection .
28 This must be related to the right for people to retire free from work-related injuries and illnesses .
29 The report , which therefore predates WAB , will be presented to the University for its consideration and will carry considerable weight because its membership , which comprises a majority of university members together with representatives from public sector higher education , consists of men of influence .
30 In practice this will place a considerable burden on the solicitor and it is likely that his first step in such circumstances will be to apply to the court for the appointment of a guardian .
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