Example sentences of "be [verb] to [art] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 In his work , theoretically relying both on Freudianism and on variations of Parsonian functionalism , which sees the biological , egalitarian family as the culmination of the modernising process , he argues that the rise in illegitimacy can be traced to a change in the attitude towards sex of lower-class women , a change so great as to amount to a sexual revolution .
2 The fourth cause of the interest in citizenship may be traced to the nervousness in some Conservative quarters about political education and the complementary belief that the schools were failing to produce ‘ good citizens ’ .
3 A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence must be cautioned before any questions about it ( or further questions if it is his answers to previous questions that provide grounds for suspicion ) are put to him for the purpose of obtaining evidence which may be given to a court in a prosecution .
4 ‘ A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence must be cautioned before any questions about it ( or further questions if it is his answers to previous questions that provide grounds for suspicion ) are put to him for the purpose of obtaining evidence which may be given to a court in a prosecution .
5 It could only be given to a child in very mild doses because excessive use could cause ‘ retard growth and lasting disfiguration ’ .
6 Thus , consideration should be given to the way in which policy goals may be effectively translated into political and legal reality , based on both a realistic perception of the obstacles that have to be overcome and an accurate assessment of the contribution which lawyers and litigation may make in promoting desirable social change .
7 The examples used should be realistic and relevant to the pupils concerned Emphasis should also be given to the way in which percentages are used both for comparative purposes in many everyday situations and also as a numerical measure based on a 100-point scale of reference .
8 The decision , reflecting increased priority to be given to the hemisphere in Canadian external relations , had been announced by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney at the Costa Rica Pan-American summit on Oct. 27 , 1989 [ see p. 36972 ] , and Canada had signed the OAS Charter on Nov. 13 .
9 I 'm very pleased to say that the union er involved had actually pursued the appeal even though the woman had died , and won the appeal posthumously so that the backdated pay could be given to the widower in that case .
10 In addition to such correction , attention needs to be given to the position in which the pupil is using reading materials .
11 Later , in the Court of Appeal , Lord Donaldson , Master of the Rolls , refused a stay in the order pending an appeal , but agreed to allow the notes to be given to the court in a sealed envelope , to be returned unopened if the appeal succeeded .
12 Whether or not there is a place for a trade union Ombudsman to carry out investigations and give general advice to unions , it is considered that this task should not be given to the Commissioner in view of the benefit to be derived from her maintaining an independent position .
13 Twenty-one days ' notice of any proposed alterations , amendments or additions shall be given to the Secretary in writing .
14 If this resource is to be stored and processed efficiently , some thought needs to be given to the manner in which it is represented .
15 The evidence will be given to the inspector in person and witnesses can be cross-examined .
16 Yet another happy and successful Christian Aid Week is now over and we all rejoice that £8063,36 can be given to the cause in 1982 .
17 In this respect , attention would need to be given to the ways in which the students sought to map meanings onto the text , and how , more specifically , they attempted to relate propositions in the text despite the absence of overt 'surface " clues .
18 To do so , however , the conversion rate had to be given to the pupils in a more convenient form than the number of foreign money units to the pound and pupils did not necessarily learn to apply the arithmetic algorithm to conversions .
19 Consequently , the offenders are not important ; what matters is that opportunities must be reduced and risks increased and this requires that attention be given to the situations in which offences may occur .
20 It recommended that every possible assistance and encouragement should be given to the railway in pursuit of its aim .
21 Second , if one does know in advance that the celebratory flowers are to be pressed , there are various details that can be given to the florist in question that will make one 's task much easier .
22 The special delivery fee will be refunded to the sender in respect of any item posted in advance of latest recommended posting times which does not receive delivery on the next working day after posting .
23 If water can be diverted to a drain in a yard , rather than lifted by mops , squeegees are preferred .
24 In its brief analysis of the impact of the Channel Tunnel it estimated that some £5m passengers ( or 50,000 air passenger movements ) would be diverted to the tunnel in 1995 rising to 6m ( 65,000 movements ) in 2000 .
25 Machines had to be stripped to the buff in order to match weight limits .
26 If , as is more likely , the seller gives his instruction to that person 's employer or principal , he must allow reasonable time for the instructions to be communicated to the person in actual possession before delivery is made to the buyer .
27 It may be communicated to the court in the following ways : ( a ) Oral testimony Witnesses may be called to give oral evidence to the court .
28 The result will be posted to the applicant in the normal way .
29 One of the practical tasks which may be taught to the patient in prone lying is how to get up from the floor .
30 The operator is assumed to be reacting to a situation in a control room , containing a great variety of dials , charts , and computer driven displays together with the controls needed to take action in any part of the system .
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