Example sentences of "be [verb] to [art] next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Failure to persuade medical staff of the adverse consequences on patient care should be reported to the next level of management .
2 middle of various further further further er further er discussions and the outcome will be reported to the next member of erm er the next meeting of the Environment Sub Committee .
3 If the Appellant fails to comply with this requirement , then the decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall sand and be reported to the next Council meeting for ratification .
4 A full report when in this matter will be made to the next meeting of the Health Committee in May . ’
5 By the mid-seventeenth century it had become normal for the wealth of the old people to be transferred to the next generation when they retired , perhaps in their sixties , but for the retired couple to retain houseroom in the family home ; and in order to make disputes less likely , these retirement arrangements were increasingly recorded in deeds .
6 These may be transferred to the next generation when individual reproductive cells have been manipulated .
7 Can one , maybe two cameras , be moved to the next set for the following scene ?
8 On April 18 the Congress voted by 664 to 139 ( with 72 abstentions ) to approve this resolution , which also recommended that further work be done on the document , and that it be published to widen debate and be resubmitted to the next Congress .
9 The complete task involved lifting a number of panels from their storage racks , loading them on to a jig , clamping them into position , arc welding a seam to join them , and then transferring the welded sub-assembly from the jig to another storage rack so that it could be transported to the next production stage .
10 As no progress could be made at that meeting , it was agreed that the matter should be brought to the next stage of procedures which is Joint Industrial Council .
11 Er and any process that will be the fund will be brought to the next meeting of the committee .
12 Patterns of social life can change radically and still be passed to the next generation , and so adaptation and innovation can be rapidly institutionalised .
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