Example sentences of "be [verb] in the [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And any government which is going to be formed in the centre I do n't think it is going to last for too long .
2 Order 7 , r 10(4) which provides that the date of service is deemed to be the seventh day after posting does not apply , and the summons is in this case deemed , by virtue of s 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 , to be received in the time it would be delivered " in the ordinary course of post " .
3 Individual role relationships will tend to be normalized in the calculations which organization agencies make and so management control will be expressed far more in terms of the accountability of individuals .
4 To be plausible the authority should also be limited in the way ours is : a machine that appeared certain , in the teeth of all the evidence observable by us , that such and such a transistor was failing might well have given itself away precisely because it would lack the ‘ downwards ’ inscrutability that our inner workings have for us .
5 I have argued that if we allow our concept of special educational provision , and hence of the support teacher 's role , to be limited to the ‘ individual ’ approach then the danger is that , not only will our own sights be limited in the measures we adopt to meet special educational needs , but our work may act as a substitute for more fundamental changes that are required .
6 For instance , if you choose fairly large material you will be limited in the amount you can use and the resulting picture may look rather dull .
7 How each of these groups was affected will be considered in the chapters which follow .
8 The report envisaged units of approximately 40–60 beds which , although a development of the psychiatric service , should be located in the community which they serve preferably in close association with small geriatric hospitals and staffed mainly by nursing assistants with trained nurse supervision .
9 Well I do want to come back in fact an and reassure er you that er in fact er we are very concerned about that and we spend a great deal of time talking about the A P C's erm statement policy of intent because it was intended to be modified in the way which we thought would and we spent quite a lot of time erm discussing and am re-amending the importance .
10 Third , from a sociological point of view , grief can not be contained in the way it once was .
11 The message would be contained in the dedication which the announcer read out before playing his first record , with perhaps some added information in the words of the song itself .
12 ( 14 ) Rule 4.2 of the SARs stipulates the details to be contained in the advertisement which are essentially the terms of the offer , certain factual items and those required under the FSA and rules of the SIB , SROs or RPBs .
13 ‘ Tho ’ I was young Thomas Chatterton to those I met , I was a very Proteus to those who read my Works ' : Chatterton 's story is mostly told by himself , and with a felicity of cadence and of reference which can be caught in the sentence I have just quoted .
14 One can see that BSL invites the omission of specific storage of agent and recipient , since the meaning of the proposition may be included in the verb itself .
15 Software for most econometric analyses that should be included in the packages which the Centre is producing is already available from academic sources .
16 So , for example , times and costs can be included in the model which is being built up .
17 This had flowered and fruited and , although too late to be included in the Dictionary it might be brought into a later supplement because several new plants had been omitted once their initial letter had been passed in the main work .
18 If this is so , how do societies come to be organised in the way they are ?
19 Well , I mean let's lets face it you 'll be sat in the car you 're gon na get crumpled are n't you ?
20 If it is largely the public-school spirit which has made England great in the past , any means by which a similar spirit may be fostered in the boys who leave the elementary schools at the very age when the sons of the monied classes are entering on the most valuable years of their school career , is of incalculable importance .
21 Former magistrate Muriel Harvey , 67 , agreed to be named in the hope it would aid the police hunt .
22 I also can not stand being ‘ rushed at ’ to be embraced in the manner she adopts — I decide who touches me , kisses me or who does not … nobody else ! !
23 Mozart , sometimes for dramatic reasons , sometimes at the request of the designer , Lorenzo Quaglio , or one of the singers , frequently asked for alterations to be made in the text which were often strongly resisted by the librettist .
24 If the application is urgent , eg for a non-molestation injunction under the Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1976 and there is no judge sitting , the court office will say at what court there is a judge and the application may be made and heard at that court , but the more usual practice is for the application itself to be made in the court which would otherwise have been appropriate , with the papers and order being sent back to that court after the hearing .
25 ’ WEU could establish a link between a Europe in the process of unification and an Atlantic Alliance in the process of transformation and thus provide the vehicle for a stronger Europe to contribute more to joint security WEU must be at one and the same time the means of allowing Europe to make its voice heard in a Euro-American dialogue ’ — it must never be forgotten that Europe must always have an input into that dialogue — ’ of which the Atlantic Alliance is the institutional framework and the instrument for making the most of the European contribution to the defence of the West This contribution of Europe is the more essential in that the American military presence on the continent of Europe , reduced since the war in the Gulf , will remain below what it was in the past Defence policy should continue to be made in the organisations which assure collective defence , NATO , and WEU .
26 When you send items overseas , make sure that they will be accepted in the country they are going to by checking in the Royal Mail International Guide .
27 A good contemporary example can be seen in the typographers who work for British newspapers .
28 Dr. Clarke had himself been a surveyor in the town in 1765 : he also cultivated the art of perspective drawing , examples of which can be seen in the plans he drew for Whitaker 's History of Manchester of 1765 and 1771 .
29 A fine example of his interior decoration may be seen in the rooms he decorated for Václav Michalovic in his house , now the Postal Museum ( see p. 157 ) .
30 The benefits can be seen in the book he regards as him important , Next Man In ( 1952 ; totally revised edition 1985 ) , a study of the Laws of the game .
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