Example sentences of "be [verb] with the [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That science can be dangerous because people are imperfect and ca n't be trusted with the weapons science creates .
2 A copy must be lodged with the Quotations Department and the Panel at the same time as it is posted to shareholders .
3 In England and Wales a claim must be lodged with the Police authority within 14 days of the incident being declared a riot .
4 Specimen signatures of those who are entitled to bind the firm or the company must be deposited with the Companies Registry ( ‘ procura ’ ) .
5 Mrs Grandison followed her apprehensively into one of those ubiquitous tea-shops which cater for the multitudes of office workers and others who want a cheap meal at any time of the day , and which , excellent though they are , can hardly be compared with the restaurants Mrs Grandison had been hoping to lunch in .
6 ( 8 ) The text of the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Quotations Department if the offer is made on the London Stock Exchange but otherwise with the Panel and copies of the final text must be given to both at the same time as they are given to the newspapers .
7 Strength of local demand for international securities will also often be correlated with the balance-of-payments surplus/deficit position of the country in which the firm or its parent is based , as well as the strength and internationalisation of the currency .
8 It was noted that a resources register questionnaire would be circulated with the Women Chemists Newsletter No 4 in order to update current information and to introduce new women to the register which already contains details of the particular expertise of over 800 women .
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