Example sentences of "be [verb] with the [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Where a court order is made , it is not sufficient for a copy of that to be placed with the title deeds with nothing further being done , for the court order can be misplaced or removed .
2 In the case of unregistered land , a copy of the court order marked as examined against the original , or an abstract of the relevant portion of the order marked as examined against the original , should be placed with the title documents .
3 No stamp duty will be payable if the consideration for the latter is less than £60,000. ( b ) Completion of the abstract In those cases where it is recited that the wife has married the new husband , a marked copy of the marriage certificate or marked abstract thereof should be placed with the title documents ( Precedents 34 and 38 ) .
4 ( c ) Court order and completion of the abstract In the case of unregistered land a copy of the court order or abstract thereof , marked as examined against the original , should be placed with the title documents .
5 Only five courses could be described as general ones on Language in Education : the rest could be grouped with the specialist courses primarily geared towards the teaching of a language or towards literacy reported in response to Question 1.7. b
6 Prawns or sliced chicken can also be added with the bean sprouts if desired .
7 If the work-force is unionised , this may be done with the union representatives on behalf of their members .
8 These could be connected with the telegraph wires alongside the track , so that communication could be established as necessary with the nearest signal-box or with central control .
9 There was disagreement with the Corporation as to whether the track in Tamworth Road , Croydon , common to the Mitcham and Sutton routes , should be connected with the Corporation rails on West Croydon Bridge .
10 Both the amphibolitic and granitic minerals can be matched with the rock types found in northern Brittany but not in Dorset .
11 Eight views can be selected with the function keys .
12 ( c ) Court order and completion of abstract It is recommended that a copy of the original court order marked as examined against the original be lodged with the title documents .
13 Not quite : one meteorite that can now be classed with the polymict eucrites fell at Macibini , South Africa , on 23 September , 1936 .
14 That 's where the land to be sold with the villa finishes , the gardens and paddock and this one meadow .
15 Also of interest is the ZIG Artist Sketching Pen , a fine pointed black drawing pen that may be used with the marker ranges or as a drawing instrument on its own .
16 For example , the dismissal of temporary workers did not require the same consultations or negotiations to be opened with the trade unions as would be necessary if redundancies amongst the regular labour force were proposed .
17 Meena will be based with the Fieldwork Services Unit in Astral House .
18 erm , the thing about it is is that I mean , one of we we 've at the minute we 've been faced with with some individuals reckoning that they have er rashes forming around the face er in a number of areas and there 's an indication that , and it 's nothing more than that , that it could actually be to do with the laser printers and people sitting near them in the light .
19 This will cause all subsequent pages to be replaced with the basis details ( except for the DC title ) .
20 If a basis is supplied , LIFESPAN will display the corresponding SPR title and originator and the information on the subsequent pages will be replaced with the basis details ( except for the SPR title ) .
21 If a basis is supplied , LIFESPAN will display the corresponding SSR title and originator and the information on the subsequent pages will be replaced with the basis details ( except for the SSR title ) .
22 Negotiations had yet to be concluded with the trade unions as to the timing of the redundancies , but Ms Kennedy quickly found another job .
23 All new Carita balls have rubber valves ( also available from the Office ) these can not be interchanged with the brass ones .
24 The actual ring fencing arrangements have still to be discussed with the Trade Unions .
25 The draft proposals were to be discussed with the trade unions and opposition parties before being submitted to the People 's Assembly .
26 The analysts had so far carried out a largely theoretical exercise , developing models in a detached and objective way so that broad-based ideas about future strategies could be discussed with the College Principals and officers from the LEA headquarters .
27 The objective will be a realistic specification that can be met by a wide variety of suppliers , but the final say in the specs will be left with the service suppliers , making it highly likely that Unix System V.4 will be at the core of the specification .
28 In fact , although frequency of the forms correlated with age , sex and educational differences between speakers , different modal meanings appeared also to be associated with the verb forms as follows : imperfect subjunctive/ [ UNREAL ] ; conditional/ [ POSSIBLE ] ; present/indicative/ [ FACTUAL ] .
29 A pattern of trouble quickly came to be associated with the street gangs .
30 Equal care must be taken with the knowledge systems that accompany such software .
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