Example sentences of "be [verb] with the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ideally , opioid dependent prisoners in custody should be stabilised with the right dose .
2 The value of praise in providing encouragement has to be blended with the instructional benefit that criticism can bring to the pupil .
3 Recommended Assessment Procedures may be altered with the prior approval of the Council .
4 To date I have found both tools perfectly safe , used with care , and though there are rare occasions when I might choose the SuperCut , for the moment I 'll be sticking with the real thing , which remains in a class of its own .
5 the training executive will also agree the training programme to be undertaken with the new manager .
6 It will probably be directed against Bulgaria , but there is also the possibility of an attack upon the Dodecanese , if such an expedition could be undertaken with the small fleet that Turkey possesses .
7 This may require some kind of additional structure ( at least temporarily ) whilst the system is on-line , until the trie can be re-built with the new words at a later stage .
8 The 1968 Seebohm Report recommended : ‘ an adequate overall service for the old to which anyone in need can be referred with the certain knowledge that appropriate action will be taken where necessary ’ ( Seebohm , 1968 ) .
9 Requests for staff should be given with the maximum amount of notice .
10 An essential first step is to demonstrate that pre-training must be given with the same stimuli as are used in the test phase .
11 In these circumstances an election campaign was to be waged with the same zeal which would otherwise be reserved for a parliamentary election .
12 In a simultaneous raid at a house in Cranham , Essex , they found more than A MILLION capsules waiting to be filled with the chemically-produced drug .
13 Thereafter the male priests dressed as women : ‘ To be filled with the Great Mother , to be possessed by her , was the only form of life they desired . ’
14 ‘ ’ Then I remembered what the Lord had said : ‘ John baptised with water , but you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit . ’
15 It would probably be necessary meantime to adopt a tougher line with the rightists : ‘ The only safe alternative would be to arrange with the Soviet Union for mutual withdrawal of troops and let nature take its course which will eventually mean another Soviet satellite state in Korea . ’
16 The Completion Confirmed on Date space on all the forms should be completed with the current date before a form is returned to the lexicographers .
17 CASE 1 : the form should be completed with the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the From Working-Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the To Table Number space .
18 CASE 2 : the form should be completed with the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the To Working-Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the From Table Number space .
19 CASE 3 : the form should be completed with the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the From Working Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the To Table Number space .
20 BMK became the first carpet manufacturer in Britain to be registered with the 1987 version of British Standard 5750 for Quality Assurance .
21 Childminders — who look after your child in their home — must be registered with the local authority and they and their families are regularly checked by the police , according to the 1989 Children 's Act .
22 Under the Child Minders Regulations Act of 1948 a person caring for reward for one or more children under five years of age to whom they are not related is required to be registered with the local authority .
23 He says that in some parts of the country , car boot sales have to be registered with the local authority , this could help .
24 1988 the Reina Sofía tries to clarify it mission : works are to come from the Museo Español de arte contemporaneo ( MEAC ) , to be joined with the modern holdings of the Prado , including ‘ Guernica ’ ( see p. 19 ) .
25 This may or may not be joined with the rhythmic designs described in the previous section .
26 Article 89 of the constitution clearly stated that the constitution could only be revised with the prior agreement of parliament , but basing his decision on article 11 ( the clause which gave the president power to hold referenda ) , de Gaulle decided that the question would be put directly to the people .
27 Similarly the effectiveness of export-led growth in the British case can not be squared with the continued rise of import penetration and the level of domestic demand which this represented .
28 This type of skepticism had been sustained by the knowledge that the mathematical devices used by Ptolemy could not be squared with the homocentric spheres of Aristotelian cosmology .
29 If trusses were duplicated , however , spans up to 105ft could be erected with the light unit construction equipment .
30 Sales dates can sometimes change and should be checked with the respective auction houses nearer the date .
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