Example sentences of "be [verb] for the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 When the day for her departure arrived nobody could be heard for the weeping and wailing of the girls .
2 ( Not least is Cold Comfort Farm to be treasured for the fact that an American literary critic took it straight , commenting that some of the characters were overdrawn . )
3 Pop was no longer a community of youth as it had been in the sixties , nor a means of changing society , but a meaningless marketing exercise which deserved to be exposed for the charade that it was .
4 Moreover , even those studies where there does seem to be a clear relationship over a number of data points at different arousal levels ( e.g. Courts , 1942 ; Stennett , 1957 ; Bolanger & Feldman , described in Malmo 1959 ) can often be criticized for the possibility that the task used to induce arousal actually requires greater levels of attention at higher levels of arousal itself .
5 Membership of Equity , then , is no guarantee of employment — it simply gives the member a chance to be considered for the work that is available .
6 I decided to be tactful and told him he would no longer be considered for the team because he is complete and utter rubbish .
7 Often , if they have a disposition to broader problem-solving , the search consultant can provide views on several issues : the potential organisational structure ; how the individual would fit in ; the likely scope of his or her responsibilities ; if the tasks he or she will be set are manageable and possibly whether candidates can be found in the market who meet a particular specification ; whether the search can be a UK-based search or needs to be international ; whether any of the top candidates can be attracted for the remuneration or does the remuneration of the senior team need reviewing ; is the nationality of the candidate important ; could a woman do the job ; what happened to the last job holder ; did he or she move on to a bigger job or was he or she fired , and was that person successful in the role ?
8 Furthermore , while ‘ logically ’ it might appear that at least from summer 1941 only Hitler could be blamed for the extension and prolongation of the war , a sufficient platform had been constructed by years of propaganda and ideological indoctrination to buttress the transfer of the blame to Germany 's external enemies — the Bolsheviks , the Jews , the British , the Americans — or to internal incompetence , naturally stopping short of the Führer , as when Field Marshal von Brauchitsch was made the scapegoat for mistakes in strategy and provisioning on the eastern Front in the winter of 1941–2 .
9 In the layout of the fielding positions you can , of course , do your own thin ; a piece of 3mm ply , may be substituted for the hardboard and the various fielding points ( and the scores or penalties associated with them ) can be moved around to please yourself .
10 ‘ I do not suppose , however , that you will be applying for the position so I shall wait for Alain to send a few people here for me to see .
11 In such cases the claimant 's doctor could be telephoned for the information but it is likely either Europ Assistance or H.O .
12 In such cases the claimant 's doctor could be telephoned for the information but it is likely Europ Assistance or H.O .
13 But she hopes they will be enjoyed for the music and not simply used as background at drug raves aimed at tempting gullible youngsters .
14 Of course if such an appeal is in effect a way of jettisoning the unexplained clause and opening the door to an explanation in terms of some other theory — say , a theory of relations — then it may turn out in the end to have been a step forward , but no credit can be claimed for the step until a reasonably clear , comprehensive , and persuasive account of the alternative theory has been presented .
15 It is well worth visiting and contains facsimiles of many fine and interesting manuscripts , but be prepared for the fact that it is geared to schools and is therefore rather didactic .
16 You should be prepared for the fact that some of her views and opinions will be rather different from your own , remembering that they were formed in an entirely different social climate .
17 Only when the agency is satisfied that they have a film which can be made for the money and will be allowed on air should it be shown to the client .
18 It is easy to forget exactly how much allowance should be made for the wind and other factors on a rough day .
19 Although criticising the Africans , whom many Chinese do not like because they have more money because of higher scholarships and a greater degree of freedom , there is a legitimate case to be made for the view that the students had found another excuse to bring attention to their own problems and views about conditions in China .
20 During the subsequent year , as the law requires , provision would have to be made for the principal and interest repayments on the loan in the revenue account .
21 In others he will have virtually no guidance , beyond looking at the relatively few determinate sentences for attempted murder and considering what adjustment should be made for the fact that death ensued .
22 To calculate the size of gutter needed to cope with this amount of rain , allowance has to be made for the fact that the wind will tend to drive more rain on to the roof than would simply fall on the ca flat plan area .
23 Allowance must be made for the fact that the raw data will not always have been sampled randomly , and that some data will be missing and that the indicators will often be different kinds of variable .
24 Book Seven enhances the impression of a century of civil war , but again allowance must be made for the fact that this one book covers scarcely more than twelve months of 584/5 , and that it is concerned largely with the attempt by the " pretender " Gundovald to establish his claim to the Frankish throne .
25 Discount must also be made for the fact that the dependants will receive an accelerated benefit in the form of a lump sum rather than smaller benefits over a number of years .
26 In the latter case the judge thought that the term " services " had been too narrowly construed in the past and that allowance should be made for the fact that a wife and mother does not work set hours and that she is in constant attendance on the home .
27 Recall from Chapter 12 that an allowance has to be made for the fact that a given sum of money to be received in the future is worth less than the same sum received now .
28 Allowance should be made for the fact that these pupils are of an age where they mou , may either streak ahead of expectation to an enterprise or remain disinterested and static in their reception programmes .
29 He said : ‘ The whole country will be looking for the result and most of them will be hoping the underdogs do well .
30 We will be looking for the team that shows most strength in depth , across a range of ages , and both sexes .
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