Example sentences of "be [verb] into the system [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Grid control Centre forecasts the amount of gas required and then notifies the National Control Centre who can then nominate the volume of gas to be fed into the system at the coastal terminals .
2 Thus , if a bar code becomes damaged and can not be read , the number can be typed into the system by hand .
3 But where explicit programming will not serve , it seems equally reasonable to direct an organism to fall back on ‘ thinking ’ , particularly when the solution to a problem can then , as in the case of imprinting , be wired into the system for later service .
4 The very shrillness with which bourgeois civilisation insisted that woman was essentially a spiritual being implied both that men were not , and that the obvious physical attraction between the sexes could not be fitted into the system of values .
5 Moving on into the sort of sensors and the electronics side , erm for survivability erm the defensive aid sub- system will be er very complex , very sophisticated but also integrated so that it has a complete system of protection for the aircraft , erm an and finally moving on on the sort of electronics side then clearly with different sensors such as the radar , the forward looking infra-red , infra-red search and track the er multiple information distribution system and also certain aspects of the er electronic warfare suite then by having sensor fusion which enables the best information at any one time to be correlated into the system as a whole then that will provide a very good capability and far in excess of anything that we have at the moment .
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