Example sentences of "be [verb] on the [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) That on the taking of the said accounts and inquiry costs of and incidental to proceedings on an indemnity basis are not to be disallowed on the ground that an order has already been made for costs of and incidental to those proceedings to be taxed on a standard basis unless it should appear that in making the said order the court intended thereby to deprive the defendants of the right to add those costs or some part thereof to the mortgage security .
2 McCutcheon can be explained on the basis that the terms of previous contracts had not been consistent .
3 The three properties can be explained on the assumption that a synapse will be potentiated if , and only if , it is active at a time when the region of dendrite on which it terminates is sufficiently depolarized .
4 Rather there is an essential assumption of that basic face-to-face conversational context in which all humans acquire language , or as Lyons ( 1977a : 637-8 ) has put it rather more precisely : The grammaticalization and lexicalization of deixis is best understood in relation to what may be termed the canonical situation of utterance : this involves one-one , or one-many , signalling in the phonic medium along the vocal-auditory channel , with all the participants present in the same actual situation able to see one another and to perceive the associated non-vocal paralinguistic features of their utterances , and each assuming the role of sender and receiver in turn There is much in the structure of languages that can only be explained on the assumption that they have developed for communication in face-to-face interaction .
5 ‘ Chadwick v. Chadwick , 22 L.J.Ch. 329 may be explained on the grounds that a trustee , like an agent , can not resist discovery in an action in relation to the property which he is alleged to hold on trust . ’
6 It can not be explained on the grounds that ordinary life is just as tragic ( art is not merely imitation of life ) or by reference to moral feelings or pity and fear .
7 The narrower approach to remoteness of damage in property damage cases could be explained on the grounds that the plaintiff is likely to be insured against such damage and that the extent of the damage in such cases could be great .
8 638 dismissing the defendants ' application that the action brought by Tina Burton for negligence be dismissed on the ground that the statement of claim disclosed no reasonable cause of action .
9 Real attention to the quite sophisticated concepts with which religion is concerned has tended to be dismissed on the grounds that , apart from a select minority , pupils are incapable of any sustained thought , uninterested in such hypothetical and academically conceived ideas which in any case are mostly of historical interest and irrelevant to the modern world .
10 Both approaches can be justified on the principle that the polluter should pay .
11 Both approaches can be justified on the principle that the polluter should pay .
12 Their bowed shape can be justified on the assumption that both inflation and unemployment become increasingly unpopular the higher they are .
13 What stopped me in my tracks was a sentence reading , ‘ The dung beetle program really can not be justified on the grounds that it is cheaper than a horse ’ .
14 Huge cuts in EPA 's research Funds ( down by nearly 50 per cent since Reagan took office ) can perhaps be justified on the grounds that , in hard times , scientific priorities can be temporarily reshuffled with little or no long-term damage .
15 On the other hand , in the case of his daughter and the justification offered for taking her life , it might be argued that , similar acts of violence could be justified on the grounds that the ultimate goal is the redemption of souls .
16 This practice can be justified on the grounds that many narrative pieces , including those related in our extract , were written separately in Germany in 1798–9 ; and so the philosophy can be regarded as a later intrusion .
17 Their answer to the question they pose is to say that education systems are to be justified on the grounds that they develop ‘ intellectual competence that would otherwise go largely undeveloped ’ ( 1978 , p. 4 ) .
18 This emphasis could be justified on the grounds that economics or at least a version of it — lies currently at the heart of government discourse on higher education , but it also reflects the fact that there is more to go on , in terms of information and analysis , with this aspect of the undergraduate curriculum than with the other seven .
19 In some schools , there is a tendency for any work to be justified on the grounds that it is ‘ part of a project ’ rather than because of its educational value .
20 ‘ where it is shown to the satisfaction of a rating authority that any amount paid in respect of rates , and not recoverable apart from this section , could properly be refunded on the ground that … ( e ) the person who made a payment in respect of rates was not liable to make that payment , the rating authority may refund that amount or a part thereof .
21 2.41 He went on to say that it should not be assumed that the wife 's dependency ought to be calculated on the footing that it would have ceased when her husband ceased earning before he reached 65 .
22 Convertible debt should be reported within liabilities and the finance cost should be calculated on the assumption that the debt will never be converted .
23 It is envisaged that staff will be consulted on the work that they do .
24 If legislation were introduced early in the next session of parliament ( beginning in November 1991 ) , the first of the new authorities could be in place by April 1994 , and local authorities would be consulted on the basis that the new tax could be in place in 1993-94 .
25 The defence argument was solely that Caldwell could be distinguished on the grounds that in DPP v K there was a gap between the accused 's act and the injury , an argument which the court rejected .
26 The mission would be flown on the assumption that it was .
27 Particular public expenditure can always be criticized on the ground that it is excessive or wrongly directed , whether on defence or education or the building of motorways or any other public service .
28 Of course these too can be criticized on the grounds that they lack precision , and carry with them built-in biases , impeding both our understanding of our own field experience as well as obstructing cross-cultural understanding .
29 This procedure might be criticized on the grounds that the sample is too small to justify it .
30 To count such comments as these as indicative of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with housework may perhaps be criticized on the grounds that what these women are talking about is not the housework situation , but marriage .
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