Example sentences of "be [verb] with the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once filed an application can only be withdrawn with the leave of the court ( FPCR , r5(1) ; FPR , r4.5(1) ) .
2 Industry Minister Taj El-Sir Mustafa said that this would be undertaken with the assistance of World Bank experts .
3 RE need no longer be undertaken with the intention of smartening up , or making relevant , something that has become jaded through over-familiarity .
4 Connections can be traced with the imagery of advertisements which portray harassed housewives overcome by sudden headaches while coping with the demands of husband , home and children ; on these occasions the mood is corrected by the appropriate painkiller or vitamin pill and then the housewife proceeds to go happily about her work .
5 Rather , as the polls came to trouble the Tories , the ‘ troubles ’ suddenly became of interest — purely because it appeared the Conservative Revolution might just be sustained with the assistance of that unlikely revolutionary , James Molyneaux , leader of the Ulster Unionists .
6 As an example , a partnership of solicitors might be formed with the objective of making profits but with the object of providing legal services .
7 Then the parrot , returning its master 's gaze with an unflinching eye , would murmur the cabbalistic word , and Henri 's soul would be filled with the memory of his lost happiness .
8 When Elfed returned with Richard , I told them I would do as they all wished , and the room seemed to be filled with the happiness of relief .
9 And , by the same token , the world will come to be filled with the links in this causal chain .
10 Such a body must be registered with the Registrar of Companies ; default leading to limited partners being treated as unlimited ones .
11 The UK has decided that UK-registered EEIGs should be treated as bodies corporate with separate legal personalities like companies and should be registered with the Registrar of Companies .
12 All agreements have to be registered with the Office of Fair Trading , where it is decided at what stage a registered agreement should be brought before the Court .
13 Since 1 October 1991 firms which train ACCA members and students for the Recognised Professional Qualification and Practising Certificate are required to be registered with the Association as Approved Training Practices .
14 His decision to use it as the basis for a grand narrative painting can be aligned with the revival of interest in Victoriana which the Festival of Britain had stimulated and which was especially noticeable in the graphic section of the Design School at the Royal College .
15 In the event of a capitalisation or rights issue or the sub-division , consolidation or reduction of the Company 's ordinary share capital , then the numbers of shares referred to in paragraph 5(i) hereof , the option price of shares under option and the number and nominal value of such shares may be adjusted with the confirmation in writing of the Company 's auditors ( except in the case of a capitalisation issue ) that such adjustment is fair and reasonable .
16 Santa Cruz Operation Inc declined to put a timeframe on delivery of its own COSE-compliant products — it wants to see the specifications first — but its IXI Ltd division expects to be first to market with a compliant desktop manager ; moreover , Santa Cruz is said to be toying with the idea of doing some kind of COSE implementation to run over Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT .
17 Moreover , SCO is said to be toying with the idea of doing some kind of COSE implementation for Microsoft Corp Windows NT .
18 All of these need to be checked with the positions of their respective selectors in the cockpit and the functioning ( up to the time of impact ) of the systems that powered them .
19 The amount currently applicable should be checked with the Department of Employment ;
20 Both will be during the afternoon — detailed times should be checked with the office nearer the day .
21 He doubted if his hatred of Dysart could even be honoured with the description of revenge .
22 We will see what can be arranged with the help of the area director .
23 Interviews may be arranged with the Director of Studies .
24 Also , a pre-contract discussion can be arranged with the MBA on an individual or band basis .
25 Compacts must be developed with the aim of promoting enhanced opportunities for all students .
26 Yet all their study should have been directed to this end , so that they might be consumed with the love of God as well .
27 Amounts of ground rent , other rents and premiums must also be disclosed with the frequency of rent reviews .
28 Yesterday Peter Shovlin , of course designers Anthony Walker associates , said there are ‘ fine details ’ which need to be resolved with the lawyers at Darlington Council before diggers can move on to the site .
29 The recommendation , and its ultimate partial acceptance , have been criticised on the grounds that lack of legal advice at an early stage may simply lead to disputes later on , to be resolved with the support of legal aid , and that the cost savings were unlikely to be substantial .
30 He should be grappling with the problem of how to stay alive , but instead could think of nothing but the problem of Jess .
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