Example sentences of "be [verb] for [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It wo n't be competing for the same resources .
2 This increase in greenhouse gases is expected to eventually force global temperatures to rise by 2 to 5 °C , although the full amount of warming will be delayed for a few decades because of oceanic thermal inertia .
3 With great reluctance , Reagan bowed to pressure from his advisers and compromised the Kemp-Roth principle somewhat by agreeing that the first cut should be delayed for a few months and reduced to 5 per cent in the first year with 10 per cent cuts in years two and three .
4 Unfortunately , very little is known about Brough , Dorn , Willoughby and Bourton , and defences have yet to be proven for the latter pair .
5 Normally six cases will be listed for a half day , which would allow about 30 minutes per case if all the claimants attended , but a significant number do not .
6 ‘ Cricket must now be the only sport in which you can be punished for the same offence twice and , who knows , maybe three times if he appeals !
7 The courts can order presses to be stopped for the same reasons as they can order assets to be frozen or property to be returned .
8 Excuse me I 've got not exactly hay-fever but I think I 'm going to be sneezing for a few minutes .
9 In the meantime , let recycled papers be conserved for the many purposes they are more fit for .
10 As a responsive composite ‘ biomaterial ’ , a biosensor is rather special , not only in the complex , multiple alliance of the materials in any individual device , but also in the wide range of materials that must be considered for the many types of transduction systems .
11 ‘ Because 15 per cent of building costs were saved at Urbanbuild by using timber frame instead of brick and block , better quality housing could be built for the same money . ’
12 A smuggling museum and exhibition ; video theatre and adventure walk — press the buttons and be prepared for a few surprises !
13 Data were only included when paired airway and caecal measurements could be made for the same animal .
14 Where it is known that the debtor has more than one residential or business address , personal calls should be made at all addresses ; ( b ) should the creditor fail to effect service , a first class prepaid letter should be written to the debtor referring to the call(s) , the purpose of the same and the failure to meet with the debtor , adding that a further call will be made for the same purpose on the day of 19 at hours at ( place ) .
15 They 'll be looking for a few home runs at their new home at Dowty Aerospace .
16 The formal publication stage is much the same when it comes to record content — peer and institution review will still be looking for the same things .
17 We had discussed this business of how people 's appearance literally alters in the eyes of their lovers , and suddenly I blushed , for it seemed to me he must be remembering this too , and that we must be looking for the same thing , as one might take down an old book in a moment of hungry nostalgia and start to re-read , hoping it may provide the same remembered enchantment as before .
18 I did n't want anyone to feel that this diet was a ‘ prison sentence ’ to be endured for a few weeks or months before old habits could be reintroduced .
19 Alternatively , one of the thematic optional units could be selected for the same purpose .
20 In following the same clues as her , he might well be heading for the same destination .
21 Another method of birth control must be used for a few months until two consecutive tests show there are no sperm left .
22 Radio programmes or ‘ talking book ’ tape recordings can be used for the same purpose .
23 Following questions in Parliament , the Department of Trade and Industry announced last October that ‘ oversized ’ cuffs and certain linking chains , which could be used for the same purpose as leg irons , had been evading UK export controls , and would be restricted .
24 On 17 October , Mr Sainsbury announced — ‘ in the light of publicity ’ — that ‘ oversized ’ cuffs and certain linking chains , which could be used for the same purpose as leg irons , had been evading export control .
25 This mode is carried forward from the 1954 Convention , and it is expressly provided that ‘ if exceptional circumstances so require ’ diplomatic channels may be used for the same purpose .
26 Sometimes a donkey would be used for the same purpose .
27 For example , the following terms may all be used for the same object : Eyeglasses , Spectacles , Glasses .
28 A spokesman for the Assembly stated that it was hoped to hold elections by the end of 1992 , but that they might have to be postponed for a few months given the parlous state of the country .
29 Surface wiping above shoulder height should be avoided for the same reason .
30 Such courses may be of interest to you as a returner but they are not the same as re-entry programmes , and would not be recognised for the same purpose if you ever had to provide evidence of an updating course to your National Board .
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