Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Following on this discussion , the shop decided that it needed to have a policy on career development and it was suggested that ACTS and Staff Council should produce a joint paper. ; A group is to be formed to look at the paper with Sarah Hughes , Bridget Middleton and Peter West in consultation with colleagues ; they will consult with Staff Council concerning a joint paper .
2 If no safe and adequate access or no adequate unloading facilities there exist then transit shall be deemed to end at the expiry of one clear day after notice in writing ( or by telephone if so previously agreed in writing ) of the arrival of the Consignment at the Carrier 's premises has been sent to the consignee ; and
3 The defendants were members of the Musicians ' Union , a union with many coloured members , and they gave notice to the plaintiffs that members of the union would not be permitted to play at the ballroom so long as the colour bar was in operation .
4 Arrangement can be made to stay at the Hotel at a greatly reduced price .
5 In such a case , some form of conflict resolution must be adopted to arrive at a solution .
6 They refused to examine particular complaints or cases , did not examine branch files and did not interview rank-and-file officers ; in other words , they did none of the things that would have had to be done to get at the truth .
7 But it is just such a view that could be said to lie at the heart of a second major theory of social stratification that has emerged more recently in sociology : the functionalist theory of stratification .
8 Accordingly , he suggested separate facilities at each exchange for dealing with juveniles ; notices with information about the exchanges were to be displayed in schools ; lists of prospective school-leavers to be sent to the local exchange with details of their ‘ ability , tastes and desires ’ ; and each school-leaver to be told to call at the exchange for an interview .
9 First , the Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell , must be persuaded to look at the case .
10 The members of such groups typically believe that their specially created cameras are the only camerae lucidae ; if only people could be persuaded to peep at the world through their lenses , all other cameras would be condemned to political obscurity .
11 I welcome the initiative that have already been started within the County and I shall be going to look at the site which is being offered to us , er but I do feel that we should be progressing these matters as soon as possible .
12 In 1933 he joined the Old Vic Company for an impressive range of stage work ( Henry VIII again , The Cherry Orchard , Macbeth , Measure for Measure , The Tempest ) and in 1936 he was the first English actor ever to be invited to appear at the Comédie Française in Paris , where he played Molière 's Le Médecin Malgré Lui .
13 The Court would be bound to look at the matter from the latter point of view .
14 And most frustrating of all would be having to witness at the conclusion of each such anecdote otherwise decent employees shaking their heads in wonder and uttering phrases like : ‘ That Mr Neighbours , he really is the best . ’
15 Herculaneum suffered equally badly , except that there underground shafts and tunnels had to be driven to get at the antiquities .
16 To be asked to deputise at the age of 22 for soloists as prestigious as Zimerman and Argerich is in itself evidence of Goerner 's rapidly growing reputation in pianistic circles .
17 That is the signal to get the diary ready because you are going to be asked to speak at a dinner .
18 ‘ I was delighted to be asked to speak at the opening of this exhibition to mark the Centenary of the Diocesan Vestment Guild .
19 In Cambridge , Mr Rushdie said it was an honour to be asked to speak at the college , where he was a student in the 1960s .
20 Firms will be asked to look at every aspect of their work and how it affects the environment .
21 The Rev. Thomas Tolming said that the Relieving Officer refused aid to deserving poor families who had children , considering that they ought to be put to work at the mine .
22 Gender difference indicates that people will be admitted to care at a point when for older women they are likely to be frail and dependent , whereas men are admitted earlier when they are fitter , and may live longer in a home , settling more comfortably ( Willcocks , 1986 , p. 151 ) .
23 Will he confim that if unemployment figures were counted today on the same basis as they were in 1979 employment Ministers would be forced to stand at the Dispatch Box and admit that the number of economically active people who are unemployed in Great Britain today is 3.75 million ?
24 I would suggest that care should be taken to talk at the client 's level — including use of the client 's terminology .
25 The corrective operation could not be undertaken until the child was three months old , and the doctor recommended that the child should be allowed to stay at the hospital until she was due for surgery , her condition producing difficulties in feeding .
26 FIVE BANKS , which could lose over £100m if money market transactions by the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham are ruled unlawful , should not be allowed to appear at the hearing into their legality , the High Court was told yesterday .
27 Erm she would ask that and fine that impose today er , could be paid by her at the rate of five pounds per week erm , she er runs a car her invalidity income amounts to forty six pounds fifteen pence per week and she also receives a super annuation payment from her former employers Goldeson 's Hospital at the rate of a hundred and three pounds per month but she and her husband do have to er to run the home and er , and run the house er , run run the car and she would ask that she 'll be allowed to pay at the rate of five pound per week .
28 Castleton makes a suitable base and heading west towards the ridge , you may be tempted to pause at the Speedwell , Treak Cliff and Blue John caverns .
29 ‘ You had better change the lock on the door , ’ she had teased , ‘ because I might be tempted to peep at the manuscript . ’
30 Rocky himself , currently in a Texas mental hospital , will be released to play at the launch party !
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