Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By a summons dated 10 April 1992 the local authority sought orders against W. and her aunt , who shared with the local authority parental responsibility for her , that leave be given to move her to such establishment as the Official Solicitor might approve and to give her medical treatment without her consent .
2 In the result , it was agreed between the Commissioners and the defendant that the amount charged upon him should be reduced , and that time should be given to pay it in three instalments ; he gave three promissory notes for the three instalments ; the first was duly honoured ; the others were not , and were the subject of the present action .
3 Sheep would not safely graze nor would spring lambs nor calves ; the average farmer could hardly be expected to stock them for old times ' sake .
4 As seen in Fig. 5 , these residues are in the vicinity of the same duplex of DNA as the recognition helix , although adjustments to the model will have to be made to bring them into proper position to interact with DNA .
5 Something must be done to free her from this grip .
6 Weber 's approach to inequality was to present a range of descriptive categories that could be used to describe it in any given society .
7 These general problem-solving strategies can be used to help you through many of life 's problems .
8 For those nurses relocating from the acute sector to community services , training will be needed to prepare them for new ways of working .
9 In a news conference on Nov. 9 , however , the Philippine spokesman Rafael M. Alunan appeared to indicate a softening of the government 's stance by differentiating for the first time between " sovereign control " and " operational control " , noting that Philippine personnel would not be fully ready to take over the bases by 1991 and that US personnel would be needed to operate them under Philippine sovereignty for a transitional period .
10 They can not imagine him as a Prime Minister , and they can not imagine that the British public can be persuaded to elect him to that post .
11 A Department of the Environment report on the condition of local authority housing in 1985 said that in England alone almost £19 billion needed to be spent to restore it to good condition .
12 This determines how much money , time and effort should be spent to bring them to acceptable levels .
13 Reproductive structures should really be found to distinguish it from other , superficially fern-like plants .
14 Likewise any prisoner with skills in a basic trade will be encouraged to share them with other inmates .
15 Were Spiritualists going to be forced to do it in strange , and possibly overexciting , positions ?
16 I 'd love to be forced to do it in strange positions .
17 And the new line of Mr Ryabov and his allies might be a cleverer tactic than the one used by Mr Khasbulatov : instead of opposing the president , Mr Ryabov might be trying to draw him into protracted haggling in order to dissipate the momentum the president won in the referendum .
18 Should he mirror his international form at St James ' Park , manager Kevin Keegan may be tempted to restore him to first choice goalkeeper .
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