Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His experience will be highlighted tonight in a probe into cash machines by ITV 's This Week programme .
2 It can be amended even in a way not covered under the Bill 's title if the amendment is connected with the Bill 's purpose .
3 Another method of identification has recently become more widely accepted , in spite of the fact that it needs to be implanted surgically by a vet , although this is a relatively minor procedure .
4 She let them pass , came to Hampstead tube station and thought what an adventure it would be to go home in a train .
5 Occasional breaks in routine were available , to be undertaken either as a sign of enthusiasm , or as a momentary release from tedium .
6 The world has always looked to Britain for stability , inventiveness and general mental agility , yet our National Prestige is low , our currency is less than one third of its immediate post-war value against the dollar and can not be explained entirely as a result of market speculation .
7 A ‘ money bill ’ , one dealing essentially with financial matters , can be delayed only for a month .
8 If no other provision is made , ordinary Government Bills ( and other Public Bills ) will be referred automatically to a standing committee .
9 Curriculum adaptations and support teaching sessions are provided by the resource teacher , and these sessions may be given either on a withdrawal basis or within the classroom .
10 Directions as to how to use the aid should also be given together with a discussion of the circumstances in which its use is likely to be helpful .
11 Try to plan to seat at least six comfortably , and also have some really occasional chairs that can be stashed away in a cupboard somewhere or brought in from the hall or a bedroom .
12 The management of the contract will be examined longitudinally by a series of visits to both firms , interviews with technical experts , senior management and a sample of users of the technology .
13 And for this price , what else can you get that combines some of the qualities of three axis aircraft , 17:1 glider and microlight in one finished , handsome package that can be tucked away into a container in the drive ?
14 Not far behind them sat David Thomas and his wife , a jeweller who had looked after the Spencer family for years and sold Diana several pieces : but he was still ‘ just a humble jeweller ’ , and was expecting to be tucked away behind a pillar at the back .
15 Maxol 's Homewarm 600 heat generator , with a maximum output of 6kW , can be hidden away in a kitchen cupboard .
16 ‘ Her clothes will be ripped apart during a love scene in her raunchiest role , ’ shrieked the Daily Express expectantly .
17 The cases are due to be heard together before a judge in London without a jury , in January .
18 The economic growth figures have already been marginally trimmed in the last month and may be revised further in a review that will be carried out just before before the publication of the World Economic Outlook on April 23 .
19 As this will be Remembrance Sunday trains will be stopped briefly as a mark of respect and while a short ceremony and two minutes silence are observed at 11 am .
20 It should not be regarded simply as a means of preventing change ’ .
21 This might be regarded either as a kind of dune slack or as a type of poor fen .
22 Khafji was reported to have been retaken on Jan. 30 , and allied military briefings emphasised that this should be regarded principally as a victory for Saudi units in the coalition .
23 Consequently , whereas computer networks used to be regarded primarily as a way of sharing expensive equipment — for instance , by hooking several sites up to a single mainframe — now the emphasis is increasingly on the sharing of information .
24 It is essential , and research funding should be regarded both as a priority and as a necessary complement to the current expansion in primary teacher training .
25 The fate map should be regarded rather like a train timetable — it tells you only what will normally happen .
26 Even after the success of Far From the Madding Crowd Hardy was reluctant to be regarded solely as a writer of rural stories .
27 The increasing affluence of the rural population wrought by the urban middle-class exodus has tended to mask the continuing and severe pockets of poverty which exist in the countryside and has led the ‘ problem ’ of rural housing to be regarded less as a problem of social welfare and more as an issue concerning land use planning and countryside preservation .
28 At the level of the Governor of the state to which that city belongs , the riot will be regarded only as a nuisance ; above that the king or the premier will hardly be aware of it at all , and to the whole world , it will be trivial .
29 The board can also be used for incline/decline work with barbells and dumb-bells , and does not have to be regarded only as a piece of equipment for exercising the stomach .
30 If the document is to be regarded technically as a matter of law , as a codicil , of course it need not contain any appointment of executors , but the position still is that when it was signed by Mr. Winterbone it did not contain any effective disposition at all .
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