Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [art] local [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Ridge v. Baldwin the House of Lords held that a chief constable , who had been acquitted on a criminal charge but criticized for lack of leadership by the judge , was entitled , under the common law rules of natural justice , to a hearing before he could be dismissed by the local authority who employed him .
2 If there is a ‘ persistent failure ’ of a child to comply with directions the case must be referred to the local authority social services department for investigation of the circumstances .
3 APBC members only work on referral from veterinary surgeons , so please discuss your case first with your vet and ask to be referred to the local APBC practitioner .
4 Baby deaths will always be referred to the local victim Support team , which can in turn bring in specialist help .
5 As always , proceeds will be given to a local charity .
6 It is clear that the money that will now be provided centrally by my right hon. Friend will not be given to the local authorities .
7 I had a curious brush with the law myself once when I was sent by my employer to attend a day seminar on drugs to be given at the local university by a police sergeant .
8 The present applications for planning permission constitute the next step in the process whereby the detail of the proposals can be examined by the local planning authorities involved .
9 When completed they will be publicised in the local press and elsewhere .
10 It has a personal element , discounts and rebates , all of which will have to be listed by the local authorities .
11 The bill mentions the amounts of the specific grants estimated to be received by the local authorities in your area .
12 If an authorised person obtains a care order without first notifying the local authority the child may be kept in the care of the authorised person until he can be received by the local authority but the need for this should seldom arise .
13 Local members as , er appreciate with this paper will be kept informed and will also I should of said the Chairman of the Transport and Road Safety Sub Committee , because the process of consultation wo n't work effectively unless local views are heard and they of course can be heard through the local member .
14 these may be registered as a local land charge to ensure payment .
15 A s 106 agreement can be registered as a local land charge and can be enforced against estate owners of the land from time to time .
16 Childminders — who look after your child in their home — must be registered with the local authority and they and their families are regularly checked by the police , according to the 1989 Children 's Act .
17 Under the Child Minders Regulations Act of 1948 a person caring for reward for one or more children under five years of age to whom they are not related is required to be registered with the local authority .
18 He says that in some parts of the country , car boot sales have to be registered with the local authority , this could help .
19 What is even better than placing advertising is to be regarded by the local media as an expert and called upon to contribute editorial , either to the newspapers or to radio programmes .
20 Initially Virtual Network Architecture will be limited to the local area network : each DragonSwitch module supports 16 Ethernet ports and up to five modules can be slotted into each Access/One chassis .
21 It will determine , in many cases , the earliest date at which his release can even be considered by the local review committee or the Parole Board , subject only to an overriding discretion of the Home Secretary .
22 Any theft must be reported to the local police and Risley Transport Services as soon as possible .
23 The chairman of the committee telephoned me in the late spring of 1976 to say that they were organising a series of public meetings at Wapping when the committee 's plans for the area would be disclosed to the local population for the purpose of hearing their comments and enquiries .
24 It will be targeted at the local population with specific events/ workshops for schools , service users and carers .
25 After a full examination of the problem , the Layfield Committee recommended , not that the local rate should be abolished , but that rates should be supplemented by a local income tax .
26 He argues that the ‘ local state ’ is not simply the national state writ small , and that a general theory of the state can not be applied to the local level .
27 I want that sense of fairness and justice to be written into the local government finance legislation .
28 The existence or otherwise of an enforcement notice will be revealed by the local search result .
29 The former would be a seminar or course , while the latter could be serving as a local councillor .
30 Complaints against National Health Service GPs and dentists should be made to the local Family Practitioner Committee ( FPC ) .
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