Example sentences of "be [noun] [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , futures contracts will not be investments of the same kind as debt securities or even contracts for differences , although SFA may perhaps agree that they are of the same kind as contracts for differences for this purpose ; in practice , however , any dealer who normally deals in futures contracts is usually likely to deal in contracts for differences in any event .
2 The deal was won by TVMM against strong competition from Scottish Televison , which used to be part of the same organisation as Grampian .
3 These different people 's mental states are caused by the same body , so on the theory in question should be part of the same self .
4 For this purpose lenders should be considered to be part of the same group if they are parties to the same agreement or course of dealing , even if it is not always the same members of the group who participate in individual financings entered into under that agreement or course of dealing .
5 I am very pleased to be part of the same family and to know that my parents feel the same .
6 I understand you are also doing a Day Care leaflet which should , presumably , be part of the same family .
7 But I expect there will be copies of the same tune on paper and in peoples ' brains for centuries to come .
8 The ‘ Angel of Annunciation ’ and ‘ Virgin Annunciate ’ ( fig.6 ) , which in 1926 were owned by Philip Lehman in New York , appear to be segments of the same panel of a broken-up predella .
9 Ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease belong to the group of idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases and could theoretically be extremes of the same disease .
10 And because there were too many royal presentees for efficient records to be kept , it was not unknown for two royal clerks to be rivals for the same living .
11 The social distinction , for example , between a land steward who was sometimes an attorney , and a scullery maid was very great , though both might be servants in the same house .
12 All eyes turned towards Rayne , who smiled apologetically and said , yes , that he had asked Vokins to bid on his behalf as he himself would be conducting the auction and it would clearly be difficult for him to put in bids and be auctioneer at the same time .
13 This is such a formidable list that we might be tempted to assume that research and higher education must at least be species of the same genus of activity , even if not actually identical .
14 Its subsidiaries must be members of the same capital gains tax group as the qualifying company .
15 We suggest that the minimum target audience would be teachers in the same neighbourhood in schools with exactly the same computer system and available software utilities .
16 Even if it were not already obvious , the concluding words , ‘ or other intellectual property , ’ show that the ‘ commercial information ’ which the definition contemplates must be information of the same type ( ‘ ejusdem generis ’ ) as the other examples of intellectual property which are listed in subsection ( 5 ) .
17 Harris ( 1984 ) shows that even two varieties which are held by their own speech communities to be related dialects may actually have very different underlying grammatical systems : " deep-seated structural divergences [ may ] exist between varieties which are intuitively felt to be dialects of the same language " ( Harris 1984 : 304 ) .
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