Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [vb pp] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the Board now asks the general assembly to look again at this part of our remit and to form a judgment about where this work should be most effectively done in future .
2 Small groups of objects can sometimes be most effectively used in problem solving activities .
3 " If then the wretched world be not quite plunged in doom , and fire doth not earth , sea and sky consume - " "
4 The implications of the requirement of coherence can be more easily demonstrated in relation to atemporal objects .
5 It is , however , a presumption that may be more easily displaced in family cases particularly those involving children where it has not in the past been usual practice to award costs against an unsuccessful party .
6 As the scale of local government grew and the environment began to change more rapidly , it became apparent that services needed to be more closely integrated in order that they would meet the needs of the environment .
7 If you have been out of nursing or health visiting for six months or less you may feel that completing a formal course is a waste of valuable time which might be more profitably spent in reorientation to your new job .
8 Nor should we expect the very few who do not want to teach to continue to do so when they might be more usefully employed in management , audit , service , or research tasks .
9 Galloway has commented that ‘ teachers and magistrates who see legal sanctions as the solution to the problem of poor attendance might be more happily occupied in search of the Holy Grail ’ .
10 The consequences of this gulf between ‘ hidden ’ users and official agencies will be more fully explored in Chapter 9 .
11 ( This will be more fully discussed in Chapter 7 ) .
12 The circumstances in which section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act applies will be more fully considered in Chapter 23 .
13 While it may be straightforward to think of school development planning , teacher appraisal , the identifying of remediable faults and the training or retraining of teachers as one set of loosely connected but manageable disciplines , it is less straightforward but equally urgent to expect that other connections should be more systematically organized in order to give assurances of quality .
14 He is probably right , too , in thinking that she would be far better known in art historical terms had she stayed in France , where her daring move into abstraction was more appreciated , than returning dutifully to the provincial inertia of Dublin .
15 Interestingly , the psychophysical laws may be even more entrained in subjectivity than I have suggested .
16 Thus , owners who were forced to sell their land to public authorities considered themselves to be very badly treated in comparison with those who were able to sell at the enhanced prices resulting in part from planning restrictions on other sites .
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