Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There will be no compromise between safety and commercial motivation , but occasionally the divulging of information might be commercially damaging to the business involved .
2 All you basically need is one composition fixed in any material form , be it record , tape , manuscript or any other , which can be commercially exploited by the public .
3 The fact that the " adornment " theory was entertained for so long deserves some explanation and its appropriateness can not be altogether dismissed in the case of " artificial " styles cultivated by such Renaissance mannerists as Sidney and Lyly .
4 However , others , with apparently convincing exotic locations , can be wholly shot in the studio , with the aid of sophisticated scenery effects , often using a moving matte technique to achieve verisimilitude .
5 This newly created honourary office carried with it ex officio membership of the executive committee so that , it was hoped Ayliffe 's years of experience would not be wholly lost to the Association by his decision not to offer himself for reelection as President .
6 Nor can it be wholly explained by the employment changes which were pushing greater numbers of people into the market irrespective of wage trends .
7 This does not mean that that intelligibility can be wholly captured in the formulations or in the mind of the theologian ; it does , however , mean that the divine intelligibility comes across to us , that God gives himself to be known and understood , and that the understanding that is made possible in theology is and is intended to be a genuine understanding and an authentic contact with the intelligibility of God .
8 The exercise of these powers can not be successfully challenged in the courts unless it can be shown that the Home Secretary has acted unreasonably or perversely .
9 It was only after a new system of physics had been devised , a process that involved the intellectual labour of many scientists over several centuries , that the new theory could be successfully matched with the results of observation and experiment in a detailed way .
10 If evolutionary theory can be successfully extended to the assembly of the mind and the creation of cultural diversity , the result may well rank as the completion of the Darwinian revolution .
11 Current Cheltenham second favourite Mighty Mogul is likely to head the market here but , in a race that could be slowly run in the absence of an obvious front-runner , he is worth opposing .
12 They are normally made of cellulose or a cellulose derivative and should be slowly conditioned from the storage liquid to the solvent in use .
13 Bearing in mind that it will be mostly hidden by the curtain that will fall around it , and that it may also have to support a wire umbrella frame , a 3 inch ( 7.5cm ) diameter or square stake is not too big .
14 It was during the composition of " East Coker " at Emperor 's Gate that the idea of a quartet of poems occurred to him , a sequence which would be loosely based upon the scheme of the four seasons and the four elements .
15 The elderly who expressed continuing sexual interests would be mercilessly ridiculed by the youth groups of their village .
16 The fact that OFIs are responsible for over 50% of equity finance means that share prices will be predominantly affected by the portfolio preferences of these institutions .
17 His record will be little noted as the years and colleagues and companions have passed , but it is a proud record of willing service .
18 That there would be little support for the self-appraisal in terms of any provision of time perhaps emphasized the low priority accorded to it .
19 After 36 month 's weathering , the bones of the skull were found to be little altered beyond the condition described above .
20 Until economic growth returns , there would appear to be little respite for the industry 's labour force .
21 He said 7,000 other positions in marketing and service are also to be eventually cut from the workforce , which totalled 90,000 at the end of 1992 .
22 Users can then evaluate the alternatives and participate in the selection of the dialogue which will be eventually incorporated into the IT system .
23 Such mastery , however , will normally be brief ; it is unlikely to outlast the passing of crisis and/or movement in the cycles of history ; it will not survive substantial loss of congressional or popular support and it will be relentlessly eroded by the passage of time .
24 Some , including Kent County Council , believe that large scale induced development will not occur without positive government intervention and that some towns such as Dover could be badly affected by the loss of their traditional ferry business .
25 The dearth of recent critical material in this area would suggest not , but the aim of this article is to demonstrate that the study of dramatic character may be effectively achieved by the application of theoretical principles derived from the linguistic analysis of conversation .
26 This price might initially appear uncompetitive , but may be justified in the market place by additions to the features associated with the product such that consumers perceive the product to be effectively differentiated from the alternatives available .
27 The managers become a self-selecting body and cease to be effectively monitored by the shareholders once in office .
28 Citrine 's interventions largely succeeded because they were in general well-timed ; on issues on which he was utterly sure of the rightness of his cause ; and on ground which had been well prepared in advance by correspondence between officials at the BEA and the Ministry , so that the Minister 's brief could be effectively exploited in the discussion .
29 And these people will pay a rent for it and they will pay all the proper taxes and they will be effectively staying with the rules which are imposed on other people .
30 If the Saatchi Collection were to be dispersed , it is true to say that a whole era of international art would be effectively lost to the nation .
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