Example sentences of "be [art] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was obvious now that Isobel should be the person to talk to Anna about this job in Pricewell 's .
2 If the original depositor has assigned his interest to an assignee , so that the assignee has become entitled to look to the bank for repayment , achievement of the legislative purpose requires the assignee to be the person entitled to compensation .
3 A major attraction of working overseas may be the chance to escape from UK income tax .
4 If you do not have a heated bathroom then invest in a high wall-mounted heater , which has to be the type approved for bathroom use , and should be connected through the wall to a power source outside the room .
5 In post-classical times precatory character came to be the way to distinguish between trusts and civil-law institutions ( said , in contrast , to be ‘ direct ’ ) .
6 A wrought-iron girder swing bridge at the Northern Entrance Lock may be the original installed by Brunel .
7 Would this be the opportunity to mention to Adam her difficulties over the ledgers ?
8 Another possible healing spa in Britain may be the villa found in Gadebridge Park .
9 Of relevance may be the tradition recorded by Ammianus Marcellinus , that the Burgundians were brothers of the Romans .
10 ‘ Showing off seems to be the thing to do in Venice , ’ she retorted wryly .
11 Trap one should be the box to follow in Catford 's John Humphreys Gold Collar heats .
12 ‘ You will be the fire burning in Bird Spirit Land .
13 It turned out to be the main dropping off point for the Tour de France and was at its noisiest when most civilized people were asleep .
14 It was even said to be the Nepenthe described by Homer which , when taken with wine , brought absolute forgetfulness .
15 This may be the line recommended by Victor , but on Rachel it works like one of his cigar-ends hitting paraffin .
16 That 's what it is Martin , confirmation really of what er Mick said to you in that interview , Steve , Tommy two , three but playing at central defence , Dean 'll be the skipper playing in midfield , Michael at the heart of the defence , Phil in midfield , Paul wears seven but will play up front , er Mark at eight in midfield , wears nine , well that 's a bit of nonsense is n't i in terms of numbering , cos he 's gon na play at left back not at centre forward , Gary is ten , Tony eleven , then on the bench , really good to see David and Rod , Bob 's there as well along with er Paul and that 's er possibly a a first chance for the youngster there , and Michael who has been bloodied already but er a little bit of experience in and er the youngsters , and as I say again it 's really good to see and in the number and er I 'm still practising and I shall give you the Pisa team when you return to the er rather sodden Lane with the spectators all huddled towards the back of the stands to get er extra protection from the er rain that 's being swept a on to the stands and er has obliterated the markings on the pitch .
17 The fullest version of Gloucester 's arguments is to be found on the parliament roll of January 1484 and purports to be the petition presented to Gloucester when he was asked to take the throne in June .
18 The fullest version of Gloucester 's arguments is to be found on the parliament roll of January 1484 and purports to be the petition presented to Gloucester when he was asked to take the throne in June .
19 If it can be made to work — and time will show whether it can become a reality — that may be the moment to return to subjects such as political and economic union and the benefits of a different defence structure .
20 Muslims on the other hand would consider Truth to be the revelation vouchsafed by Allah to his prophet Muhammad .
21 ‘ It will certainly be the aim to go to Cheltenham again , and I would hopefully take a similar path . ’
22 Afterwards Mesic asserted that there would be no rush to secede from Yugoslavia and that negotiations should begin on the shape of a new , looser confederation .
23 In the simplest of all cases , when an animal dies from natural causes such as old age , starvation or disease , there will be no modification resulting from cause of death .
24 Morale could not be higher in the light blue camp and Leeds can rest assured that there will be no favouritism showed by Peter Reid 's team who are enjoying the role of potential title deciders .
25 One prisoner , condemned to transportation , found there to be no ship leaving for Botany Bay in the near future .
26 There would be no time to worry about Tony , or anything — or anyone — else .
27 ‘ There will be no pressure playing against France ’ he says .
28 Were we to adhere strictly to the interpretation of our tradition as " theoretical " , there would , for our purposes , be no need to go beyond Schopenhauer .
29 Unless firmer action is taken to remove these weaknesses then there can be no authority to act against censorship on a larger stage .
30 IT WAS meant to be a marriage made in heaven .
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