Example sentences of "with which [pron] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These extra wires are generally known as the handshake connections and the method with which they control the flow of information is called the protocol .
2 The Etruscans put their burial places outside their cities , and due to the care with which they constructed the tombs many examples have been discovered intact , from the eighteenth century onwards .
3 The nature of the users , their background , their work , the frequency with which they use the system and their mode of access to it ( that is , through an intermediary information officer or directly ) are all factors to be considered .
4 Plans now taking form call for leaving the Japanese practically all of the industrial capacity with which they waged the war and for financial assistance to get into full production again .
5 These differences amongst institutions , and amongst their environments and perceptions of direction and identity , were to account in part for the differences of speed and conviction with which they raised the question of independence or autonomy — or , in the terminology of the time , academic freedom .
6 But that is to miss the point that it is not the unions , business to manage the firms with which they negotiate the settlements , nor to manage the national economy .
7 The degree of freedom which teachers in England are allowed to exercise and the responsibility with which they exercise the power vested in them is a major factor in the unique nature of English primary education .
8 Moreover , even for the common members the speeds and angles with which they cross the orbit of Mars differ from those at which they cross the orbit of the Earth-Moon system , and this further changes the exposure .
9 Gouramis have turned their pelvic fins into long thread-like feelers with which they explore the water ahead of them and , at breeding times , caress their mates .
10 The models differ in their treatment of consensus and conflict , and in the thoroughness with which they explore the nature of social inequalities and the prospects for anti-oppressive practices .
11 If the AE and AD groups differ in the ease with which they acquire the target response to A ( as they well might ) , then differences in test performance might reflect only that there was more conditioned responding to generalize in one case than in the other .
12 Those who saw her and Minton jiving together never forgot the co-ordinated abandon with which they cleared the dance floor .
13 As well as pursuing these formal curriculum studies , students are required to develop the practical musical skills with which they enter the course , and to receive regular lessons in at least their principal instrument .
14 An uneasy feeling that we should wait to be asked back before we repeat an invitation , coupled with the rarity with which we have the energy to entertain , can reduce social intercourse to an annual gesture rather than a matter of maturing friendships .
15 In eating , if we pay too much attention to the delicacy with which we handle the cutlery , our own enjoyment of the food and our hostess 's feeling of pleasure in that enjoyment will be impaired .
16 The very particularity of the sacrament forces upon the penitent the sense that it is on the here and now — that row we had with the neighbours , the bad temper with which we did the washing-up , this specific uncharitable thought or unchaste deed — that salvation and damnation depend .
17 There are many lessons we can learn from other animals , to our great and continuing advantage , and it is high time we took a little while to sit and stare at the other creatures with which we share the earth .
18 From this it might have been possible to develop a philosophy in which humankind had a responsibility towards the other species with which we share the earth .
19 Attitudes may not have changed as quickly as some of the tools with which we do the job but there are plenty of examples of progress which deserve credit .
20 There it is , standing astride an international crossroads , straddling routes through which the traffic of many nations must pass , and giving rapid access to all of the most famous places with which we associate the name of Switzerland .
21 ( c ) Position conflicts : the position you take in one piece of litigation may be at odds with the position you want to take in a subsequent action ( for example , in advancing the cause of a plaintiff you may adopt a position that puts you in difficulty with some defence clients who are less than impressed with the vigour with which you espouse the plaintiff 's cause ) .
22 Under such circumstances the frequency with which you visited the pub would be likely to decrease gradually over time .
23 The technical accomplishment with which she plays the music is startling enough , but there is an even more surprising maturity and musicality in her interpretation .
24 After reading the note , Blanche thought she would dispose of Taczek somehow with the same ease with which she refolded the slip of paper and slid it into her handbag .
25 The most stupefying performance , however , came from Cecilia Gasdia , a voice of evidently limited power ( the second part , made up of arias , showed her physical limitations , notably in ‘ D'amor al dolce impero ’ from Tancredi ) , but her dash , her sinewy vocalization , her miraculous phrasing , the skill with which she marshalled the resources of her voice , all conspired to make the first half ( La Separazione , Mi lagnerò tacendo , Bolero above all ) a miraculous experience .
26 The boy 's contemptuous : ‘ No ! ’ was always accepted without comment , and with no attempt at persuasion ; but each night a soft , sidelong , tormenting smile recognised the growing reluctance and diminishing arrogance with which he spat the refusal at his questioner .
27 ‘ Did you hear a scream ? ’ she asked dulcetly , then blinked at the speed with which he crossed the ground .
28 If it is forthcoming , he will protect them from the terrible plagues with which he afflicted the Egyptians before their escape .
29 I was immediately impressed by the breadth and depth of his knowledge of the workings of the natural world , by his own diverse and exceptional achievements , by his incredible work rate and by the wisdom with which he viewed the task ahead .
30 However , perhaps the most surprising aspect of Lord Cross 's speech is the apparent complacency with which he viewed the implications of his decision as he understood them .
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