Example sentences of "with the [noun pl] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately for the Serbs , the Austrians abandoned them when they settled their differences with the Turks at the Treaty of Sistova ( 1791 ) .
2 With the Turks at the gates of Vienna as late as the seventeenth century , it is not surprising that Bohemia came to be half-forgotten by Western Europe .
3 So , at the moment the Engineering Council , with the institutions at the moment are doing their best to stimulate interest into er engineering across the schools .
4 Following municipal elections in Bavaria on March 18 and April 1 , 1990 , in which the CSU lost votes to the SPD across the state , the SPD mayor of Munich , Georg Kronawitter , reached agreement on an alliance with the Greens at the end of April .
5 Staff remain with the horses at the races — but they have to pop to the loo now and again . ’
6 We chatted with the locals at the island Post Office where we stopped to buy postcards ( which would bear the famous puffin postmark of Fair Isle ) , and visited the local shop for souvenirs , both establishments being opened especially for our benefit .
7 There were two side doors 5ft wide on each side of the van for dealing with the churns at the stations , and sliding , instead of folding , doors were fitted .
8 If you 're buying a new cooker , look for a model with the controls at the top , not on the front , and an insulated door — ordinary ones get very hot .
9 He had been sighted at Woodcote and again with the gypsies at the village of Checkendon .
10 She showed it to me , she went up and fetch it , with the handles at the side .
11 Now the clothes , The Diamond and Pearl Collection , are being marketed to the public from this month and Apache was invited to try them out along with the models at the launch — and he was delighted .
12 And this part of your mind that makes you feel guilty Freud regarded as an internalized representation of other people to some extent , and indeed he thought that it , the superego was constituted by internalization and identification with the parents at the culmination of the Oedipus complex .
13 The project is in negotiation with the owners at the moment , but hope that the prospect of an actual building will encourage sponsors .
14 Guy attended the specialist treatment centre at regular intervals , and he received treatment at home from a local physiotherapist who liaised with the specialists at the centre .
15 No , I 've been waiting for them to get them cards in I ordered a couple of those cards with the lights at the top for Kieran to take home
16 That is a reference back to the events of chapter 16 , and strange though it is , it is no more extraordinary than their wish in Exodus 16 that they had been killed together with the Egyptians at the time of the Passover .
17 None of the original team who were with the women at the time of the move still work at their flat .
18 It has even been darkly insinuated by Paolucci ( in Beccaria , 1963 ) that he may merely have been used as a front by his radical friends , the Verri brothers , who were too much in trouble with the authorities at the time to risk writing it themselves
19 The advisers should discuss with the investors at the outset the extent of the due diligence to be undertaken and the precise purpose of the exercise .
20 It was n't like that with the girls at the office , all heady scent and pouting , glossy lips .
21 Journal account of an encounter with the Theosophists at The Manor , Sydney , Australia in October 1925
22 Cuvier insisted that the four types were simply different and equally successful body plans — they should not be ranked with the vertebrates at the top , since this would smack too much of the old chain of being .
23 Along with the fitters at the tunnel , looking after the locos and slushers in the tunnel and all the rest of the
24 She could feel heat searing her cheeks , and a strange trembling seemed to have seized her hands , making her fumble with the ties at the neck of the garment .
25 The injury was a severe setback for Roebuck as he had gained a taste of international rugby when he toured France and Canada with the Wallabies at the end of 1989 .
26 He can play anywhere in the backline and , if he can stay injury-free this year , then I believe he 'll be touring with the Wallabies at the end of the year .
27 He gave four reasons for deciding in favour of a binary system : the demand for vocational , professional and industrial based courses required a separate sector with a separate tradition and outlook ; a ladder system with the universities at the head would inevitably depress and degrade morale and standards in the non-university sector ; there was a need for a substantial part of the higher education system to be under social control and directly responsible to social needs ; and , lastly , no other country in the western world downgraded its non-university professional and technical sector .
28 Galileo in a letter to Kepler ( who showed that the orbits must be ellipses , not circles with the foci at the Sun ) admitted that he had been a believer in Copernican theory for years but had been ‘ too timid ’ to say so for fear of ridicule .
29 The routine for knitting double jacquard is to start with the carriages at the right and threaded with the background colour .
30 This is because we will commence knitting with the carriages at the right and be knitting the first row of background colour to the left .
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