Example sentences of "with those [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When he went for the audition , playwright Bernard Kops and director David de Keyser had already cast Melvyn Hayes in the lead role and asked the star to read scenes with those trying for the other parts .
2 However , in reality the number of jobs lost compared with those gained in the major growth industry of pollution control is small .
3 These results are in agreement with those obtained from the above specificity comparison between VZV VT2 and HSV-1 I9X DNA binding domain peptides , which found VT2 to be generally less sequence-specific than the Vmw175 DNA binding domain .
4 We expected to have security problems with Mrs Thatcher , but in fact they were nothing compared with those posed by the other guest on that show — Barry Manilow .
5 Basically it consists in a failure in the ego by means of which inner , subjective sensations become confused with those originating in the outside world — an observation which reveals how close projection is to thoroughgoing hallucination ( with which it is , of course , frequently allied in paranoia ) .
6 As it trickles away and cools , the salts it gathered from the rocks on its way up , together with those derived from the molten mass far below , are deposited to form rimmed and buttressed basins , surrounded by tiers of terraces .
7 But in the Baltic area , in Lithuania , Latvia , Estonia and right round to the coastal strip of the White Sea , there are brick and timber buildings which have much in common with those found in the Baltic region of eastern Germany and Poland .
8 The amounts of platelet activating factor like material detected in the pancreatic acini obtained from rats infused with saline in our study was lower than those reported previously for the isolated guinea pig acini from parotic glands and comparable with those found in the gastrointestinal mucosa .
9 This plan was based on three major considerations : that in each of the new county areas stemming from the 1974 reorganization of local government boundaries , with the exception of Powys , there should be an institute of higher education incorporating colleges of education and major further education establishments , a proposal that was consistent with those submitted by the local authorities ; that , with the exception of St Mary 's College , Bangor , all the existing colleges of education should be incorporated into the proposed institutes , albeit with some change of functions ; and that in order to strengthen the proposed institutes in Dyfed , Gwynedd and West Glamorgan , there should be a marginal redistribution of teacher training and advanced further education courses , involving also the transfer of student places into these areas from other areas .
10 The outline of the paper is as follows : Section 2 highlights some basic characteristics of the UK fertilizer industry ; Section 3 outlines a theoretical framework based on a model originally suggested by Dixit ( 1987 ) ; Section 4 derives expressions for the policies ; Section 5 calibrates the theoretical model with data from the UK fertilizer market ; Section 6 presents an assessment of the actual policy outcomes compared with those suggested by the theoretical framework ; and finally , Section 7 reports the results of sensitivity analysis .
11 The necessary changes involved a number of definitions in the Regulations being brought into line with those contained in the latest ( 6th Edition ) of Annex 13 .
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