Example sentences of "with other [noun] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , the analyst must realise that problems do not exist in isolation , but are interrelated with other problems affecting the same situation .
2 * Work together with other employers sharing the same workplace .
3 The higher resorts in the Alps usually have good snow well into April and there is skiing throughout the summer on glaciers but summer skiing should be combined with other activities to make the most of a holiday .
4 Golby returned later with other officers to search the surrounding area , but it was not until the following morning that the terribly mutilated body of Inspector Joseph Drewitt was discovered .
5 An expert witness is appointed by a party to assist in putting that party 's case to a tribunal of either judge(s) or arbitrator(s) , with other parties having the same right .
6 It 's nice to be with other people to fight the same frustrations .
7 Eventually they joined forces with other graduates sharing the same skewed sense of humour , Michael Palin , Terry Jones , Eric Idle and an American-born cartoonist and graphic artist , Terry Gilliam ; and on Sunday 5 October 1969 ( incongruously enough , in a scheduling slot which had always been rigorously reserved for programmes of a religious cast ) the very first episode of Monty Python 's Flying Circus was broadcast .
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