Example sentences of "be taken [prep] the [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 The day was still dank and moist when I emerged , but I called a taxi from the rank outside , and asked to be taken to the ruins of Holford House , once the home of Mr Harvey-Beaumont .
2 It intervened to regulate trade ; in 1651 the republican Parliament passed a Navigation Act which set out to protect the English shipping trade by laying down that imports could be taken to the ports of England or of English colonies only by English ships or by those of the country that produced the goods .
3 ASOFTLY-SOFTLY approach is to be taken to the owners of one of Britain 's strangest threatened landscapes , the Clint-and-Gryke limestone pavements of the Yorkshire Dales .
4 A person who has been admitted as a solicitor and whose name is on the roll shall , if he would not otherwise be taken to be acting as a solicitor , be taken for the purposes of this Act to be so acting [ and therefore being required to hold a practising certificate ] if he is employed in connection with the provision of any legal services ( a ) by any person who is qualified to act as a solicitor ; ( b ) by any partnership at least one member of which is so qualified ; or ( c ) by a body recognised by the Council of the Law Society under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 ( incorporated practices ) .
5 The estimated asking price will generally be given as a range of values , which will normally be wider than those associated with the valuation since account will need to be taken of the expectations of buyers and sellers of price reductions during the bargaining process .
6 Moreover , account has to be taken of the needs of other generations — of children and grandparents — which impinge upon their own .
7 These letters themselves , with their references to women and his dependence upon them , should be taken with the facts of his first impulsive marriage and his second happy one : all the available evidence suggests that when he allowed his sexuality free access , when he was not struggling with his own demons , it was of a heterosexual kind .
8 These 50 places would be allocated to West Glamorgan , together with another 250 , consisting of 50 to be taken from the quotas of Gwent , South Glamorgan , Bangor Normal , Llandaff and St Mary 's Bangor .
9 Where there is a system of control of council matters through caucus groups of members of the council , these groups determine beforehand what line of action shall be taken by the members of those groups when matters come before the council and its committees .
10 As is often the case in matters of corporate governance , the lead is likely to be taken by the chairmen of companies in which standards of governance are already high , rather than by those who head companies with the greatest scope for strengthening their public accountability .
11 Decisions could either be taken by the heads of departments or referred back , perhaps for legislation , to the respective assemblies .
12 Accordingly , the line elements in the initial regions may be taken in the forms of ( 4.19 ) and ( 4.20 ) , namely ( 15.3 ) The initial-value problem is now well set , and it remains to find the unique solution in the interaction region .
13 It continues : in his nineteenth year … considering the uncertain term of human life , and the fearful end especially before the fleshly and the worldly , he took thought , by the inspiration of God , providently concerning himself ( remembering his end ) , lest he should be taken in the snares of sin .
14 So as to underline that all measures are intended to benefit the young person , provisions for involuntary care have been removed and the views of the young person have to be taken into account in deciding on a form of assistance , although no steps can be taken against the wishes of the parent or guardian ( except in an emergency , s. 43 ) .
15 " But perhaps holding the views you do makes you feel no action should be taken against the enemies of France . "
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