Example sentences of "be seen [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Hortons added on to the mill house , and during Elizabeth 's reign they made extensive gabled additions which can be seen best on the east façade .
2 Male pycnogonids have a special pair of ovigerous legs ; they can be seen here at the front , ending in pincers .
3 However , Eiders may also be seen right along the coast , and the total numbers recorded wintering between 1960 and 1976 varied between 20 in the winter of 1960/61 and 250 in that of on average about 70–80 are usually present .
4 For the predators this timing is just as critical and this can be seen well in the relationships between the piratical Arctic skua , its usual victim the Arctic tern , and the small fish on which they both depend .
5 Large figures , carved into the chalk hillside , such as the Uffington Horse , the Long Man of Wilmington and the Cerne Abbas Giant , are well known , but these figures were something very different : they were enormous earth sculptures which could only be seen properly from the air or on a map .
6 The latter , named Pooldhooie , is the only one of the buildings which can be seen today as the Bispham Conservative Club , the others have been demolished in 1983 for a Sainsbury 's store .
7 Both the two great mountains near Loch Hourn can be seen clearly from the beach at Corran .
8 The impact of these alliances can be seen clearly in the semi-conductor industry .
9 These can be seen clearly in the Gospel narrative .
10 Herons , flamingos , spoonbills and cranes are examples , some of which can be seen elsewhere in the park .
11 This has important implications for the social composition of both origin and destination areas as will be seen later in the chapter .
12 It is sufficient here to notice the pronounced link between the Spirit and power to witness which can be seen both in the life of Jesus and that of the post-ascension Church .
13 On the staircase , Ried 's hand can be seen again in the rib vaulting of c.1500 .
14 We are watching the brides of Christ probably never ever to be seen again in the year two thousand and fifty six .
15 His work can be seen regularly at the Chris Beetles Gallery , where he is having a solo exhibition from March 31-April 16
16 This drift towards incoherence can be seen also in the work of Dick Lester , the most ‘ pop ’ director of the decade .
17 The same increasing central control and rationalization can be seen also in the introduction in 1720 of a regular tariff for the purchase of commissions ; in the 1750s of the custom of numbering regiments rather than referring to them by their colonel 's name ; and in 1792 of a common system of drill , based on that of Prussia , for the whole army .
18 Equally , however , they embody and express distinct cultural orientations , and like all ‘ common locations in the social and historical process ’ they have to be seen also in the context of cultural movements .
19 This should be seen also in the context of improving communications within the Garden , between gardens , and between RBGE and external information resources and services .
20 If displayed in shop windows , Elizabeth David recalls , it could be seen far down the street .
21 Yet they remained , practically and culturally , a fractional formation , and this can be seen especially with the advantage of hindsight , since it is now evident that they were expressing at once the highest values of the bourgeois tradition and the necessary next phase of a bourgeois social and cultural order .
22 Lines may often be seen parallel to the edge ; these represent periods of rapid and slow growth , but not necessarily annual seasons .
23 Today the impact of the embargo is to be seen everywhere in the economy , as well as in the prisons .
24 The way in which the process of understanding works can be seen only in the way we produce a response or description of some kind .
25 The evidence can be seen all over the region :
26 Soccer-mad males can be seen all over the city , armed with their kits , taking on their colleagues in five-a-side games at local leisure centres .
27 But these were local efforts and as landlords , tenants and labourers were locked in a situation whose extent was only just becoming apparent , endemic poverty came to be seen less as the will of God than as a widespread indication of human failure .
28 Not only foals seek other foals for companions , but groups of calves and lambs can also be seen together in the paddocks , while the mothers graze further afield .
29 Although the light was still clear , Hawkbit was not to be seen anywhere on the upland .
30 As will be seen below in the section on search repetition results , the objective difference between the two systems was not great , and it is not at all surprising that users did not seem to find any difference .
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