Example sentences of "be made [adj] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Whether or not all meaning can be made explicit in the text is perhaps less critical than the belief that it can and that making it so is a valid scientific enterprise .
2 For ethnographers and sociolinguists considering linguistic interaction , these elements and others have to be made explicit in the analysis of features such as code-switching and role-relationships .
3 There are , of course , one or two insurance companies who offer an insurance scheme that avoids the need to make the payment of any deposit , but that , upon payment of a premium , provides a guarantee to the seller 's conveyancer that should the transaction not proceed , then the appropriate 10% will be made available in the course of forfeiture becoming a legal possibility under the terms of the contract .
4 In the Navigation 's case the ground floor food preparation area was obtained by converting an old-fashioned and unwanted small private bar : similar areas suitable for conversion can not be guaranteed in more than 50 per cent of the units , though equivalent areas could be made available in the remainder through ‘ building out ’ .
5 According to the architects of Newcastle 's development plan for the next 15 years , the north east of England will be lost to large-scale economic development unless good quality sites can be made available in the region 's capital .
6 They will , however , be made available in the Authority 's annual report .
7 A list giving likely publications by the Comptroller and Auditor General in the coming months will now be made available in the Library .
8 In this small inward-looking world , the intrusion of death could be dreadfully destructive ; the damage could be limited partly by sharing the loss and partly by belief that it would be made good in the afterlife .
9 In particular , the Panel is concerned that it should be made clear in the offer document , acceptance form and subsequent documents whether shareholders must lodge their certificates by the closing date of the cash underwritten alternative in addition to their completed acceptance forms in order to receive cash ( see para 11.3.16 below ) .
10 The relationship between partners should normally be made clear in the partnership deed .
11 Also the degree to which the firm is associated with any financial information or other data conveyed to the potential purchaser relating to the client should always be made clear in the information memorandum itself , in any subsequent information provided and in any transmittal letter sent with the information .
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