Example sentences of "be use [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Government time will be used to submit to the House for debate , official reports , White Papers setting out government proposals and government statements on matters of topical public importance .
2 And of course when you was er was n't on guard duty at the f early evening , course there used to be used to pop into the Peel and have a couple of halves or some would have a pint and there was a chap in , in the Home , Home Guard he , he used to be able to play the piano so we used to have a singsong in there for a social , you know .
3 The PF1/6 keys can be used to ABORT from the input page .
4 Unlike the subject-predicate distinction , the notions of theme and rheme can be used to account for the acceptability ( rather than grammaticality ) of a given sequence in a given context .
5 The theory can be used to account for the gas laws described above .
6 Deffenbacher ( 1983 ) reviewed the literature available on the relationship between emotional arousal and eyewitness testimony and concluded that the results were consistent with the idea that the general inverted-U relationship between arousal and performance could be used to account for the memory findings .
7 In this sense science is not a sociological category ( i.e. one that can be used to describe specific social forms ) nor is it an epistemological category ( i.e. one that can be used to account for the form or validity of knowledge ) .
8 It is effective when read aloud , where the voice can be used to carry over the syntax and sense .
9 Photographs , videos and models will be used to put across the feeling of the Cumbrian farming landscape , including a section devoted to the Trust 's work , and the NHK will be making a donation of £50,000 towards the Trust 's Lake District Appeal .
10 For large values of N i , Stirling 's approximation can be used to deal with the factorials viz. In , and equation ( 8.3 ) becomes which on dividing by N o gives If , the mole fraction of component i , then
11 Their idea is to examine the feasibility of a one-step diagnostic to indicate the presence of a particular molecule , such as might be used to test for the presence of surfactant .
12 The same kind of representational language could be used to refer to the working of a television set or indeed a thermostat .
13 One can not refer to a behaviour pattern as inherited ( or instinctive ) or learned ; the terms can only properly be used to refer to the causes of differences between individuals .
14 There is a pleasant dining room for house guests which can also be used to relax during the evening , plus a cosy lounge and TV room .
15 Precisely what sort of cable will be used depends on the network architecture you 've chosen .
16 The TAB and BACKSPACE keys can be used to move between the fields .
17 The TAB and BS keys can be used to move between the fields .
18 " Keeper of the Keys " can also be used to explore ritual ; it can be used to teach about the nature of dramatic tension and dramatic structure ( see Chapter 4 ) .
19 This power , however , was to be used according to the rules of the American Constitution , not as a means to a dictatorship like that which Hitler was setting up at the very same time in Germany .
20 The set contains two short videos , one audio cassette , five manuals , several leaflets and posters , some or all of which can be used according to the needs of different groups .
21 In the case of a Claimant travelling alone and able to return to the U.K. on his own , if the return portion of his air ticket can be used to return to the U.K. , then no claim can be paid as no additional expenses have been incurred .
22 There are a number of techniques that can be used to help in the business analysis phase , including interviewing strategies , information modelling , rich pictures and root definitions , and some of these are discussed in Section 2.6 .
23 It can also specify the password to be used to obtain to the module .
24 Currently it is usual to find that a contract cleaning company may be used to look after the offices and toilets , but production areas are generally ‘ out of bounds ’ , because they are considered too sensitive .
25 The practical effect of this provision is that if an MNP is formed by , say , a merger of a foreign legal firm and an English firm , the firm name used by either may be adopted as the name of the MNP if it is made up of the names of present or former principals who are or were lawyers ; a new name may be used derived from the names of one or more present or former principals of either firm ; a name previously approved by the Council may be used ; or application may be made for approval in writing by the Council of a name which does not otherwise comply with the requirements of rule 11(1) ( A ) .
26 For example , it is capital expenditure that will finance the development of a new leisure centre while current expenditure will be used to pay for the running costs , for example staff , heating and lighting , etc .
27 Some researchers think that scanning microscopes could eventually be used to read off the sequence of amino acids that form DNA .
28 Additionally , the Video Guide explains techniques such as the use of freeze-frame and silent viewing that can be used to add to the effectiveness of the video .
29 Consequently a simple histogram constructed from the mass and molar mass of each fraction will not provide a good representation of the distribution and a method must be used to compensate for the overlapping .
30 Support for my argument that agency care is likely to be used comes from the findings of a follow up survey of a nineteen er sorry , comes from the findi , I I 'll start that sentence again .
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