Example sentences of "be give to the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Keith Mitchell , director of education , has recommended consideration be given to the new nursery units at the meeting .
2 Each week , the operator will use this diary to produce a report of system down times , by day of the week , on a pre-printed form , which will be given to the New OED Computer Group Manager .
3 The complexity of the job will to some extent dictate the level of personnel required , and detailed consideration should be given to the optimum staff structure .
4 What directions should , in such a case , be given to the taxing master ?
5 The next group of sections deals with the various types of publicity that have to be given to the annual accounts and reports .
6 When he comes , his father must formally ask him who he is ( the blessing has to be given to the right person ) .
7 Careful thought , said Alcuin , should be given to the right method of teaching and baptizing .
8 Credit must be given to the continued efficiency of the UCCA , to the successful launch of the PCAS and to the swift amalgamation of their efforts as the binary division disappeared .
9 Thus , the subject should be given particular emphasis within programmes of post-initial in-service training for further education teachers ; consideration should be given to the possible inclusion of an element of introduction to the subject at the initial teacher-training stage ; and emphasis should be given to the provision of short courses .
10 In relation to the latter , consideration will need to be given to the possible incidence of income or corporation tax , taking into account taxable profits arising from project cash flows .
11 " Consideration should be given to the possible institution of a mechanism for the defence of citizens ' rights as regards Community matters ( " ombudsman " — a Danish proposal ) … "
12 When rented land is drawn upon for distribution proper consideration sh should be given to the present tiller .
13 Control to rest with the officer commanding L Detachment and not with any outside body superimposed for the purpose of coordination , the need for which will not arise should effect be given to the present proposals … .
14 Findings will be given to the horticultural trade , to enable a simple system of ‘ health warning ’ labels to be devised and used in garden centres .
15 They involve the authority to be given to the unsubstantiated evidence of a woman in a rape case and the question of her character , real or assumed .
16 Only properties that can be given to the selected object are displayed .
17 In 1969 the calendar was revised so that greater emphasis could be given to the major festivals of the Christian year .
18 Particular attention will be given to the changing relationships of higher education to the wider social and political context .
19 In his comments ( published with the Report ) Mr Baker agreed that this was appropriate for 7 year olds , but proposed that for 11 year olds greater emphasis should be given to the key skills of reading and writing .
20 In a contentious paragraph , which was opposed by Tite and Wilson , the Report said that the Committee had examined Pennethorne 's scheme , as well as those awarded the first three places on the Foreign Office list , and recommended that ‘ preference should be given to the successful competitors ’ .
21 In accordance with the recommendation of the Select Committee of The House of Commons ‘ on Foreign Office reconstruction' ’ , made in their Report , dated 13th July last , ‘ ‘ that a preference should be given to the successful competitors in the erection of the New Foreign Office , it is the intention of the Government to employ as the architect of the proposed building , in the event of the necessary funds being voted by Parliament in the ensuing Session , Mr. George Gilbert Scott , one of the successful competitors ' ’ .
22 Some attention needs to be given to the appropriate manning of the Reception area out of office hours , in view of the numbers of visiting groups using the lecture theatre and other facilities , and the problems with security which this imposes .
23 If the person is a juvenile or is mentally disordered or mentally handicapped the notice shall be given to the appropriate adult .
24 In explaining the fall in mortality , some weight must be given to the increasing wealth of Europe which made possible better feeding and better housing — however slight the improvements may have seemed to the poor .
25 As regards the measures themselves , an unqualified welcome can be given to the various tax reliefs for business , particularly the changes to ACT , export credits and the steps to help small business .
26 As regards the measures themselves , an unqualified welcome can be given to the various tax reliefs for business , particularly the changes to ACT , export credits and the steps to help small business .
27 In drawing up the relocation and redundancy packages careful consideration needs to be given to the financial implications for employees of one vis-à-vis the other .
28 At the same time due consideration must always be given to the visual effect of the grain markings .
29 Later in his article , he pinpoints ‘ the necessity of writing long letters daily ’ to Helen as the beginning of his departure from nature descriptions — initially written as talks to be given to the Young People 's Guild at the Unitarian chapel — or his dignified school essays .
30 But there were differences as to how best the opportunity could be given to the young people .
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