Example sentences of "be well [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 F-15s and F-16s off the shelf rather than waste vast development costs which could be better deployed in the commercial sector .
2 F-15s and F-16s off the shelf rather than waste vast development costs which could be better deployed in the commercial sector .
3 In such a case , the auditors ' report referred to in s 248 would be better separated from the main audit report and included instead in a note which explained that , although it was entitled to the exemption , the company was not taking advantage of it .
4 This revised route will reduce the severance impact on a number of farms and will enable the road to be better integrated into the existing countryside .
5 This revised route will reduce the severance impact on a number of farms and will enable the road to be better integrated into the existing countryside .
6 Clearly , some of the needs now met by social services departments would be better met by the old people themselves if they had the financial means to preserve their own independence .
7 This might be sensible if you were advised that your claim would be better presented in the formal atmosphere of the civil courts , or that your wrongful dismissal claim is so much more substantial that it will lead almost inevitably to a settlement of the lesser , unfair dismissal claim .
8 They also provide much useful information about performance generally , enabling managers to be better informed about the relative strengths and weaknesses of their operations .
9 The idea that a runner can win more by not trying too hard is not likely to be well received in the hard-bitten commercial world of sports retailing , but if the winter miles are currently very wearisome and every race is a struggle to gain a few seconds , you might try leaving your watch off at a race or two and see if the Zarei approach puts a bit of the enjoyment back into running .
10 So Dublin was given a voice , but no responsibility , in the affairs of Northern Ireland , an arrangement that was expected to be well received by the Catholic community .
11 This can be well illustrated through the following identity .
12 It is necessary , therefore , to be well prepared for the first meeting , although unduly high start-up costs should be avoided at this stage .
13 It is necessary , therefore , to be well prepared for the initial meeting .
14 Journalists can do little about legal costs and insurance , but they should be well versed in the legal defences which give them more latitude than is commonly thought .
15 Once thought of as a disorder of upper social classes , it now seems to be well represented across the socioeconomic spectrum .
16 It is envisaged that during the phasing out of ‘ O ’ Grades and the introduction of the Revised Higher syllabuses the needs of school pupils will be well served by the new sciences module matrix .
17 I mean you can see , it 's self evident as you travel to Strensall that that development has been highly successful and s and the s the final seventh point is that the A sixty four north east corridor can be well served by the public transport to achieve the close relationship between the workplace and home , as national policy now seeks .
18 The first year of secondary schooling , at 12 plus in Scotland , ought not to differentiate pupils , the committee thought , but differentiation should begin in the second year , and be well established by the third .
19 In those situations where the hole has been dug and the ferret and rabbit ( or rabbits ) have been located , you must be well drilled in the exact procedure to ensure that the rabbits are unable to take advantage of any opportunity you may give them to escape .
20 Certain features of the House of Lords scrutiny system have proved to be well suited to the effective exercise of influence .
21 The second question , asking whether dreaming is accompanied by flaccid paralysis , was agreed with by a surprising 48 respondents , although these people did not show themselves to be well informed about the other questions .
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