Example sentences of "be see [prep] an [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An example of the Eleventh Labour — the stealing of the Golden Apples of the Hesperides may be seen on an altar from Whitley Castle ( fig. 14.39 ) , although it has been identified as the Hydra , however , a tree with apples is clearly visible on the edge of the stone and also the head of the protective snake .
2 This should not be seen as an attack on a balding old Pole but on the institution he leads — ie the hierarchy of the Catholic Church , whose attitudes towards gays , women and other oppressed groups belong in the dustbin of history as do those of most religious hierarchies .
3 This could be seen as an approximation to a Ramsey-optimal price structure , though the analogy is probably rather forced .
4 Finally , its admission must be seen as an advantage to the security industry and to the BSIA .
5 He was fortunate to be seen as an anti-appeaser by the time Chamberlain was negotiating with Hitler and coercing the Czechs into surrender during the Czechoslovakian crisis of September 1938 .
6 The prices that different social groups are able to afford for land can be seen as an equivalent to natural species competing for space .
7 " Look/sniff " arbitrations , as these arbitrations have become known , have to be seen as an exception to this important guideline .
8 Fearful of punitive damages , companies will avoid doing anything that might later be seen as an admission of guilt .
9 Even mate-swapping or ‘ swinging ’ may sometimes be seen as an adjunct to a stable , adult family life .
10 Its most serious short-comings are its failure to be seen as an arena for national debate … and its incapacity to be a check on executive power .
11 I think it 's very undesirable that it should be seen as an issue of women versus men , because the chances of getting anywhere are reduced if it 's set up in that way .
12 The Renaissance then can be seen as an addition to the early modern period .
13 Stedman Jones ' ( 1982 ) re-examination of chartism , for example , argues that its political form can not be understood as a simplistic response to the putative material experience of a class , nor can its political language be seen as an expression of that experience .
14 Instead , this increasingly popular element of dominant ideology should not be seen as an expression of social concern for the well-being of older people , but examined for its wider social purpose .
15 [ … ] This might be seen as an expression of concern by university mathematicians about the subject socialization of their potential students .
16 Fighting against threats to young children 's rights to early childhood opportunities could be seen as an expression of legitimate collective responsibility .
17 ‘ To promote closer union ’ means that it is , in the Council 's judgement , an acceptable means towards fuller unity in some circumstances , and not only to be seen as an expression of full unity already achieved .
18 This homage to the past can be seen as an expression of respect for the artist 's original intent , for his ambition to prolong his existence through a work created according to artistic rules , with chosen techniques and materials .
19 The election of Tatwine , a priest in the monastery of Breedon on the Hill in the territory of the Middle Angles , to be archbishop of Canterbury on the death of Beorhtwald in early 731 ( HE V , 23 ) , should perhaps be seen as an expression of Aethelbald 's influence , and likewise that of Nothhelm , a priest of London , to Canterbury in 734–5 , and of Cuthbert , probably the former bishop of Hereford , to Canterbury in 740 .
20 In this subject the stomach is crescent shaped and the pylorus can be seen as an incisure at its distal end ( arrowed ) .
21 In one sense these findings may be seen as an argument for mainstreaming and it is appropriate to pause for a moment to consider this view .
22 From another aspect such regimes may be seen as an embodiment of tendencies inherent in modern ‘ mass societies ’ , resulting from the increasing power of the state and the extension of its influence , from the growth of nationalism and international rivalries , and from the struggles among political elites who have acquired , in one way or another , a mass following .
23 As such it could be seen as an alternative to armed conflict , an alternative to blind acceptance of an unsatisfactory and perhaps explosive status quo in the control of disputed territory , and even as an alternative to democratic political methods of dispute resolution which can so often lead to legitimately and dangerously dissatisfied minorities .
24 There was so much new knowledge in science , and degrees in science came to be seen as an alternative to degrees in classics or mathematics rather than as something to be done afterwards as an optional extra , or taken as a merely voluntary course of lectures .
25 Structured systems analysis and design need not only be seen as an alternative to the conventional approach .
26 The existence of well developed facilities for borrowing and lending stock can be seen as an alternative to the " repo market " found in the USA and in a number of other countries .
27 The whole character of faith is that it does not rest on itself , nor on what can be seen as an extension of itself , but on what is quite other than itself , by which its own emptiness is filled .
28 In some ways Perrett 's findings can be seen as an extension of the results on prestriate cortex in that higher order properties of objects are being encoded , using information from representations of lower order properties .
29 This technique may be seen as an extension of the basic co-occurrence methods , as it includes the concept of matching using a group of semantic relatives ( rather than just the word itself ) and also matches according to specific syntactic relations .
30 This technique may be seen as an extension of the established corpus-based parsing techniques to include a limited coverage of semantic features .
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