Example sentences of "be see from [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is necessary to appreciate these facts if social policy is to be seen from a sociological perspective .
2 The standard of work is high as can be seen from a small section shown in PLATE 15 .
3 In the marble version the struts have been banished from sight by designing the statue to be seen from a restricted viewpoint .
4 Although the sociologists and anthropologists are too polite to mention it , social codes in general including in these changing times whichever one was brought up in oneself by the preceding generation , can be seen from a sufficient distance to have been in large part shaped by gross delusions about the cosmos and about man , and by a brutal ignorance of everyone outside one 's own people , sex and class .
5 The design runs one way along the rug , and needs to be seen from a particular angle for maximum effect .
6 Since the declination of Arcturus is 19 degrees north , it is sufficiently close to the equator to be seen from every inhabited continent .
7 His immorality can be seen from the simple fact that he is a usurer .
8 As can be seen from the above description , the formation of the haemostatic plug or ‘ primary haemostasis ’ involves many properties of platelets including adhesion , aggregation , degranulation and release reaction , and these platelet properties will be briefly described .
9 It may be seen from the above equation that the magnetic force is negligible in comparison with the electric force unless the velocity of the electron approaches the velocity of light .
10 It will be seen from the above comments that the local banks through their Trade Finance Division are in a position to offer real help — it would be foolish to ignore it .
11 Wonderful views of the Old Town can be seen from the new Town .
12 Mustakimzade places his article on Abdulkerim after that on Molla Gurani , and it will be seen from the traditional list that the later authors have accepted this placement , dating Abdulkerim 's Muftilik from 893/1488 to Rajab 900/March-April 1495 .
13 Current consumption patterns for beer can be seen from the following tables :
14 Post-war trends in beer , spirits and wine consumption can be seen from the following table :
15 The importance of the public house with respect to beer sales can be seen from the following table :
16 Rather the rest is contradictory , as can be seen from the following table .
17 The way this defence was used can be seen from the following submission , made by a defendant charged with the possession of a hacksaw blade with intent to do criminal damage to the perimeter fence of the US naval base at Brawdy :
18 Despite this rule , writers commonly do this , as can be seen from the following examples : The quasi-totality of students in my department , opted for English …
19 The effect of the wage differential may be seen from the general equilibrium equations set out in Lecture 6 , modified for the possibility that .
20 Transparent fabrics require neat seams as they can be seen from the right side .
21 The top coin shows Henry VII ( 1485-1509 ) ; it is the same generic royal image which had been used for two centuries , as can be seen from the close similarity of the image used by Edward I ( compare fig. 3 ) .
22 That the potential for collaboration was there may be seen from the final sentence by J. W. Heslop Harrison ( 1948b ) where he says ‘ Still , it must be admitted that much remains to be done , and by many workers ; we give a hearty invitation to others to join us in our labours ’ .
23 And yet , as may be seen from the cardinal importance he attaches to a Herodotean term like the peri - plus , Pound can be invoked by poets for whom the natural subjectmatter is topographical rather than historical , or at any rate historical only so far as history is checked against , and embodied in , and qualified by , topography .
24 Wonderful views of the New Town can be seen from the Old Town .
25 It can be seen from the northern parts of Australia and South Africa , but not all of it rises from Sydney or Cape Town , and from Wellington in New Zealand it is never visible at all .
26 Certainly evasion was rife in 1381 , as can be seen from the marked discrepancies between the numbers paying the tax in that year and the figures for 1377 [ A.4 ] , and there is no reason to believe that the payments in the earlier year , although more complete , provide anything close to a total record of the population .
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