Example sentences of "be make [prep] the [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 One , application could be made to the court that Mr the landlord is unreasonably withholding consent to the lease , if the court finds that this is in fact the case they will permit the assignment of the lease to you , not withstanding the landlord 's objection .
2 Amongst other things , the examination had revealed possible areas where improvements could be made to the services that the CSSU provided , in particular those services concerned with supplying the information needed for staff to fulfil their functions .
3 The point will be made to the world that Mexico stands as a nation for the principle that a healthy environment is essential for the common future of humanity , with particular stress on the quality of life our children will inherit .
4 Moreover , a major qualification needs to be made to the view that broadcasting in the ex-British territories was everywhere cast in the BBC 's image .
5 The indemnity basis allows objections to be made on the ground that items are ‘ of an unreasonable amount ’ but , in directing that ‘ any doubts shall be resolved in favour of the receiving party , ’ imposes a very rigorous criterion .
6 The preliminary judging will be made on the photographs that we receive so make sure you send us two good , clear shots of your lovely locks .
7 As well as giving him moral ascendancy over the rest of the company , driving himself to exhaustion might also cloud critical judgement , so that comments would be made on the effort that had gone into the show rather than on its quality . )
8 Another line of argument put forward by traditional liberals is that an appeal to the better off can be made on the grounds that the existence of the underclass tends to make our society a less civilized one in which to live .
9 Although criticising the Africans , whom many Chinese do not like because they have more money because of higher scholarships and a greater degree of freedom , there is a legitimate case to be made for the view that the students had found another excuse to bring attention to their own problems and views about conditions in China .
10 In others he will have virtually no guidance , beyond looking at the relatively few determinate sentences for attempted murder and considering what adjustment should be made for the fact that death ensued .
11 To calculate the size of gutter needed to cope with this amount of rain , allowance has to be made for the fact that the wind will tend to drive more rain on to the roof than would simply fall on the ca flat plan area .
12 Allowance must be made for the fact that the raw data will not always have been sampled randomly , and that some data will be missing and that the indicators will often be different kinds of variable .
13 Book Seven enhances the impression of a century of civil war , but again allowance must be made for the fact that this one book covers scarcely more than twelve months of 584/5 , and that it is concerned largely with the attempt by the " pretender " Gundovald to establish his claim to the Frankish throne .
14 Discount must also be made for the fact that the dependants will receive an accelerated benefit in the form of a lump sum rather than smaller benefits over a number of years .
15 In the latter case the judge thought that the term " services " had been too narrowly construed in the past and that allowance should be made for the fact that a wife and mother does not work set hours and that she is in constant attendance on the home .
16 Recall from Chapter 12 that an allowance has to be made for the fact that a given sum of money to be received in the future is worth less than the same sum received now .
17 Allowance should be made for the fact that these pupils are of an age where they mou , may either streak ahead of expectation to an enterprise or remain disinterested and static in their reception programmes .
18 ( There are extremely instructive comparisons to be made between the films that make up Manvell 's ‘ Miscellany ’ and the ‘ pantheon ’ of directors listed in the first , 1962 , issue of Movie — the changes are an eloquently stark illustration of the massive reorientation of British film culture . )
19 This implication will be made upon the basis that Parliament is not to be presumed to take away parties ' rights without giving them an opportunity of being heard in their interest .
20 Secondly , the gift must be made upon the condition that it is to be absolute and perfected only on the donor 's death , being revocable until that event occurs and ineffective if it does not .
21 It has been possible , relatively simply , to prescribe most qualifying lenders on the face of the Bill , but I hope that the Opposition and others will understand that provision for others , including some institutional and centralised lenders , can be made in the regulations that we shall introduce in due course .
22 The stimulus requires a choice to be made within the system that is being drilled .
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