Example sentences of "with [adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A PHILLIP Glass-style loop is the basis for a long , trancey , free-flowing , ambient workout , a floating journey around the cosmos cut with geometrically perfect shapes of sound .
2 The result may transform black American films into a two-tier system , with commercially successful directors on top and independent film-makers at the bottom , scrambling for scarce money .
3 Immature and eclipse drakes can be very confusing , with widely varying mixtures of black and white , but head usually dark and underparts black .
4 More and more trainees will present themselves at centres with widely varying degrees of knowledge , skills and attitudes in different areas and will ask for these to be recognised in some way or other .
5 They are a common ingredient in the review and development process , but were handled with widely varying degrees of competence .
6 She shows that these are very distinct sets of problems , which have received very distinct sets of answers , with rather different implications for teachers .
7 Strach 's had it just about — so Wilko 's decision to swap Rocky for White was a complete load of bollocks — if he ca n't manage players like Rocky and Cuntona then he should n't be a f*****g manager especially of a team with rather large delusions of grandeur .
8 His starting point was dissatisfaction with most sociological theories of crime ( especially anomie and subcultural theories ) for reasons which are now familiar : their assumption that we naturally conform to conventionally defined goals and the means of achieving them , and that we consequently require some ‘ push ’ ( or ‘ strain ’ , as Hirschi calls it ) to propel us into crime .
9 With most other lines of communication knocked out by the civil war , Porua 's La Clava played an important role in informing that isolated community .
10 They are also trouble free , and give continuous protection , even when a window is open — a feature not available with most other forms of security .
11 It means you have to treat the first invoice as an error , and possible invoke the DOCTOR ( which has been with most Sage products for ages ) to correct things , and then go and do it right .
12 Cluster analysis may reveal segments with sufficiently large groupings of respondents , or product/benefit requirements with similar attributes .
13 The capital structure is simple , with only ordinary shares in issue .
14 He stood back as the visitors moved among the men , speaking to them where possible , usually meeting with only perfunctory grunts in answer to their questions .
15 BRITISH hopes of returning to normalcy in negotiations with China over the future of Hong Kong appeared to have been thwarted yesterday as the 14th round of Sino-British talks ended with only limited signs of progress .
16 Depth relates to the ability to absorb large buy and sell orders with only small movements in price , i.e. for share prices to fluctuate only marginally as a result of large trades .
17 With only small amounts of money changing hands , a limited number of dedicated venues , and , if it were to restrict itself solely to black audiences , a finite number of punters , the black comedy scene is clearly still in its infancy .
18 The most common result of a visit to a museum is to come away with only disparate fragments of information , together with some general impressions which may well be , in certain important respects , incipiently misleading .
19 In place of the comfortable doctrine of sedimentation keeping pace with subsidence , we were now faced with the notion of empty troughs forming in the sea floor , with only occasional rushes of sediment to fill them .
20 This was the pattern more or less throughout , with only occasional snatches of George 's lead playing on show .
21 It is a warm , mostly oceanic world with only rudimentary forms of life , whose few land masses had been restructured and reatmosphered as holiday havens for the rich .
22 About 20 syllables and 6 basic themes have been recognised in the whales ' singing , which can continue through day and night with only short pauses for breath .
23 Again the AD&D licence is only for show , with only token attempts at roleplaying included .
24 Earlier studies with less accurate methods for measurement of histamine , however , failed to detect increase in histamine in the gastric tissue or venous or arterial blood after stimulation with ethanol .
25 By choosing varieties which are grafted on dwarfing rootstocks where these are available ( cherries , apricots , plums , peaches , pears , apples ) , together with less vigorous varieties of others , trees can be kept to a more manageable size , some small enough even to grow in large pots or in a greenhouse .
26 The urban-rural shift is also identifiable further north , but in the context of lower regional growth and with less marked differences between county growth rates ; for instance , in northern England , with Cleveland and Tyne & Wear in population decline and with Northumberland and Cumbria failing to reach the national average rate of growth in the mid 1980s .
27 Pointing to the increased vote for the fascist Republican Party in the Baden Wurtemburg regional election in Germany on Sunday , he said introduction of proportional representation in Britain , coupled with less rigorous controls over immigrants and bogus asylum-seekers , could unleash extremists .
28 Dependent on governmental funding and reluctant to lose establishment goodwill , these groups often came to rely on governments with extremely negative attitudes to homosexuality .
29 Finally , if an animal is coping with extremely adverse conditions by self-narcotisation , I would say that its welfare is poor but the effect of the narcotic may mean that it is not suffering .
30 The absence of such provision has the real result , among others , of a huge deficiency of qualified engineers , designers , technologists and technicians , with extremely damaging consequences for Britain manufacturing and production — and so for the country 's economic prosperity .
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