Example sentences of "with [noun pl] [coord] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Simply cut a hole in the baked biscuits while they are still hot , leave to cool on a wire rack , then thread with ribbons and tie to the tree .
2 ‘ They have cars with chauffeurs and stay in the best hotels . ’
3 Sean Broadley of Eskdale Road , Whitby , 11 , who was badly burned when his clothing caught alight while he was playing with meths and matches on the cliff top at Robin Hood 's Bay on Sunday was very poorly in Pinderfield Hospital , Wakefield .
4 As Constance picked her way heavily across the mine-field of the Minuet in G , her faltering efforts were greeted with screams and jeers from the birds who would not be silenced even when Miss Hatherby threw an enormous dust sheet over their cage .
5 The Great River swept sluggishly through meads that were aflame with buttercups and dotted with the last patches of melting snow .
6 Suggestions for cover illustrations , with captions and labelled with the manuscript number , are welcome .
7 Plan the layout so that the page is broken up into short paragraphs with sub-headings and highlighting through the use of emphasised test and underlining giving the message impact and more chance of getting through .
8 The problems of the informal interview , then , are considerable , and they may make us feel that the formal type of interview is much less beset with difficulties and open to the criticism of lack of scientific method .
9 The club acts as a convenient watering hole at lunch times and becomes the arena for some titanic battles with skittles or darts during the evenings .
10 She walked round the house , planning what she would take : this ornament to be packed in a shoe-box stuffed with wood-shavings and placed in the top drawer of that chest , that cane-chair to be left behind for the benefit of the Colonel 's successor , those curtains to be carefully arranged when the time came , with not more than one fold .
11 This could be merged with names and addresses from the database in Task 1 .
12 It is a small , rocky body ; its surface is covered with craters and blistered by the heat of the Sun .
13 Based in the National Science Laboratory in Edinburgh , with links and meeting throughout the UK , you 'll join a small team refining methods for the production of blood proteins .
14 The Rorim was almost subdued this morning , though from the upper storeys of the Manse he could see Hearthwares busy with horses and harnesses in the yard outside their barracks .
15 ( SCENE : A huge golden tub , studded with emeralds and filled to the brim with the tears of baby narwhals .
16 His grandparents were taken to hospital with fractures and burns after the accident on the A35 near Dorchester , Dorset .
17 The open-air stairways were shadowed with creepers and flickering with the eerie lights of televisions that glowed from within the screened windows of the small apartments .
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