Example sentences of "with [noun prp] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Washington 's nuclear collaboration with Romania dates from the 1970s , when the West was vigorously encouraging President Nicolae Ceausescu to pursue policies independent of the Soviet Union .
2 It was a delicious quirk of fate that this situation should have arisen even as the legal action with Sting loomed on the near horizon .
3 If it was someone else they 're hardly likely to ring the door bell with Jim standing beside the front door , are they ?
4 The Syrians ended the year in a commanding position , with Aoun sheltering in the French embassy in Beirut .
5 On few occasions has it shown less moral scruple than when it made a deal with Brezhnev to dispose of the Soviet gold .
6 On May 25 India reacted by expelling from Delhi two Pakistani diplomats of similar rank , and on May 26 called off talks with Pakistan scheduled for the following week .
7 As the rivalry with England grew in the late thirteenth century , so the sea , which separated the two countries , took on added importance .
8 Elsewhere in Bosnia , 41 deaths were reported amid further clashes with Serbs backed by the Yugoslav army .
9 Burma had been starved of books and so with the assistance of W. Lockett , who had worked with J.S. Furnivall in the pre-war bookshop , I secured the co-operation of the SPCK in a plan for a general bookshop .
10 All this happened in total silence with Kenny sitting on the other side of me , totally unaware that my life was changing .
11 And with Louis concentrating on the other competitors , there 's a good chance my meeting in Athens will go completely unnoticed . ’
12 Since the Second World War , swings Left and Right have had a knack of coinciding on both sides of the Atlantic , with Wilson riding on the post-Kennedy-Johnson wave , Callaghan coming back with Carter , and Margaret Thatcher heralding the Reaganite counter-revolution .
13 This was partly because of their sensitive relationship with Israel arising from the Jewish Holocaust in Europe .
14 This intimate relationship with God comes from the Holy Spirit .
15 McCallen is hoping that the Honda will remain in one piece after tomorrow for it travels on to Donington for the British Championship meeting the next day where it will be ridden by Steve Hislop with McCallen reverting to the slower RC30 Honda .
16 Cup-tie , with Bailey playing for the well-known London amateur side , Walthamstow Avenue , who switched the replay to Stamford Bridge because their home ground could not hold more than a fraction of the spectators who wanted to attend .
17 The cows are not as good for milk as the Aubrac or Salers : there was crossing with Durham Shorthorns in the eighteenth century to help milk yields from an essentially draught-and-meat animal but this was discarded when it was decided to concentrate on beef from the end of the nineteenth century .
18 But she has come to terms with Britain belonging to the European Community and is likely to back the introduction of proportional representation .
19 The Russian campaign started , in fact , while most people were still expecting the final show-down with Britain to begin in the near future .
20 For example , the assumption of a single non-standard to standard continuum with RP located at the standard extremity led Macaulay in Glasgow to exclude from his analysis of the ( a ) variable items which belonged to the /a/ class of RP .
21 Microsoft recently got a dose of its own medicine when Borland published the results if a comparative survey of PC Windows spreadsheets — with Microsoft Excel on the losing side this time .
22 1960 : The Warner Bros label makes its UK debut with April releases by the Everly Brothers , Bill Haley , Connie Stevens and Ed ‘ Kookie ’ Byrnes from the TV series 77 Sunset Strip .
23 There was an exciting match at the Dell with Everton winning by the odd goal in seven against Southampton .
24 On assuming office in September Price had promised to continue the talks with Guatemala started under the previous UDP administration .
25 With Fangio retiring after the 1958 French Grand Prix the way was surely open for Moss to win his first world title .
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