Example sentences of "with [art] few [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What we do find , as with the few collective farms in Roslavl' , is an obsession with possible growth-points admired by the Bolsheviks .
2 Without bothering to confirm the report , Guretzky-Cornitz passed it on to Army HQ , embellished with a few boastful addenda of his own .
3 C Walker and Sons was founded in Blackburn 30 years ago by two brothers , Jack and Fred Walker , with a few thousand pounds of capital and has grown from a business with a turnover of under £100,000 in the late 1950s to a £620m concern with 3,400 employees in the UK and Ireland and profits last year of £48.4m .
4 It was dark and dirty , with a few rough-looking men in the bar .
5 This beautiful crab has a wide carapace , with a few faint depressions on its upper surface , and a spiny margin .
6 The largest falcon of the region , resembling a large stout Peregrine ( p. 93 ) in outline , though with slightly blunter wings with broader bases , and longer tail , but extremely variable in plumage , from almost white with a few dark flecks to almost completely dark grey ; most frequent form is like rather pale Peregrine , but lacking the dark moustachial streak .
7 I will conclude with a few general points about the methodological problems raised by Freeman 's paper .
8 We set off at a rattling rate , presumably to put some distance between us and the dozens of others still ponderously selecting items of clothing from their car boots , and I commenced my belligerence with a few barbed remarks about the pace-setting .
9 For he can see in the X-ray picture of a chest only the shadows of the heart and ribs , with a few spidery blotches between them .
10 And er fo for that reason , er you know , Lady got through three fortunes , and I think she di died with a few hundred pounds in the building society , and if you get the timing right , that 's the way to do it .
11 In local studies , for instance , there is a local church , particularly if it is a fairly old village church with a few hundred years of history behind it .
12 With a few simple lines of BASIC great sweeping designs can be made to appear and disappear , colours will change and a new pattern emerges .
13 It was a terrace of three stone cottages , with a cobbled clearing at the front and a common area with a few small outbuildings at the back .
14 It provides outside parties with a few limited details on the borrower , loan size , term , currency , syndicate leader and participating banks ( see specimen tombstone at the end of this chapter ) .
15 Instead of towing amplified sweet nothings ahead of the school , they might do better to sit astern with a few well-chosen selections from The Osmonds ' Greatest Hits , or Singalongamax .
16 Half way through the Blackeyes saga , it looks as though we are going to have to make do with a few set pieces of one-to-one hostility .
17 Whether or not this small-scale self-publication works in terms of sales is less important than the extraordinary experience it can provide : that of working hard with a few other writers at making something , putting something into print .
18 They put me in touch with a few other people in nearby Sheffield and we arranged to have a tentative first meeting in someone 's flat .
19 He wrote letters to her , funny ones with a few clumsy sentences about missing her .
20 On several occasions the obituarists have been poised , ready to send the man to his grave with a few solemn words of recognition .
21 After a little more than a year , she alone had transformed it into a place where the children could play in safety , a stretch of patchy grass with a few well-cared-for roses round its border , and an immensely high wall skirting the garden from one end to the other .
22 Paul began the show with a few mouth-watering shots of American roadside crags .
23 Instead of the cafe or the restaurant that he 'd expected , he found a narrow shop with a few uncontroversial-looking videos in the window display and a more extensive and X-rated stock of tapes and magazines inside .
24 Until she had met him , she had been a friendly , easygoing girl , with a few not-very-serious relationships behind her , and a very balanced view of life .
25 In Northern Ireland , a selective system still predominates , though with a few comprehensive schools in certain areas .
26 It had been a wet May with a few scarce hours of sunshine at the beginning of the month and little since , but today the grey skies that had hung over the land like a shroud had broken , and high white clumps of cloud were bowling swiftly across the blue sky betokening a day of good weather .
27 It all starts with a few slow miles in the suburbs , then out into the Suffolk countryside , with a long trail of runner snaking their way along narrow country lanes .
28 Consequently , it is recognized that what is offered can only be a highly personal and limited selection of developments in disciplines other than financial management , with a few isolated ideas on linkages between them .
29 It will look very strange if you choose a single , and extremely large , flower with a few wispy pieces of foliage for one season , while the next is a furious mix of masses of tiny alpine flowers and foliage .
30 Within fifty years West Ham was transformed from an essentially agricultural economy with a few nucleated settlements to the industrial heartland of south-east England .
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