Example sentences of "with [art] two [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Much of this chapter will therefore be concerned with the two major types of photoelectron spectroscopy ( PES ) , though we shall note how electronic excitation spectroscopy can be used to give structural information about some molecules .
2 In September 1962 Sylvia Plath separated from her husband and moved with the two small children to a flat in London .
3 African swine fever virus encodes two genes which share significant homology with the two largest subunits of DNA-dependent RNA polymerases
4 Lyme Community Care Unit was established on 1 April last year to serve the population registered with the two general practices in the area .
5 Which leaves us , ultimately , with the two great blocs of SDLP and UUP support , who will principally determine the outcome of renewed talks on Northern Ireland 's future , a process which Sir Patrick inherits from Peter Brooke .
6 It is shaped , besides , in accordance with a dramatic momentum which reaches successive peaks with the two sexual encounters between Jane and Jimmy Ahmed .
7 But nothing could compare with the two universal sex-symbols of the decade , Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot .
8 Yeah I do n't mind I only get the cla , the the lad , the group with the two naughty boys in do n't I ?
9 But the café , Lucy 's chosen place , was crowded and they had to share a table with the two cream blondes of the ski-tan variety , orange lipsticked , clad in cashmere .
10 The painting , with the two fat cats at the base of the steps , was thought to be by her .
11 We have moved onto 1875 and the two Polonaises ( not to be confused with the two earlier numbers for piano solo ) could not be more different .
12 Thus , in R v Lincoln ( Kesteven ) County Justices , ex p M ( a Minor ) [ 1976 ] 1 All ER 490 , evidence that a father was having incestuous relations with the two older sisters of a child before the court was held to be relevant and admissible .
13 The epidemiology is primarily associated with the two main sources of infection , transmammary in suckled pups and percutaneous or oral from the environment .
14 They have formed successive alliances with the two main parties of left and right , using their position to maintain continuity .
15 The APU has started along this course with the two independent evaluations of their surveys .
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